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"I can't believe I'm actually going to meet a real-life mermaid." Ebony clapped excitedly as we walked through the dark hallway to speak to Claudia. "Five-year-old me is screaming with excitement right now."

"Hold on to that feeling." I smiled to myself, opening the door and looking back at her. "Are you ready?"

"I'm so ready! Oh my gosh! A real mermaid.." Ebony bounced up and down with pure joy as I pushed the door wide open.

"Claudia, I would like you to meet Ebony." I looked back at Ebony. "Ebony, this is...Claudia." I shrugged as Ebony walked past me into Claudia's room. "Here we go," I whispered under my breath.

"Hello?" Ebony called out looking back at me nervously. "Hello? It's so nice to finally meet. I've heard so much about....What the hell?" Ebony's face turned to confusion as she stared at her doppelgänger Claudia. "Wait? What? That's me? What the hell?" She looked back at me with wide eyes. "Jake? What?" She pointed at Claudia.

Claudia suddenly screamed, making us both take a step back. "Oh my gosh! It's you! You must be Jake's friend, Ebony." Claudia cried out as she hugged her tightly without warning. "I've heard so much about you. I feel like I know you. Did Jake tell you about me?" She was almost bouncing off the ground. "I've never met a human before. You are so so beautiful. I can't believe I'm meeting an actual human! This is wild!" She clapped her hands together excitedly just as Ebony had done moments before. "A human!"

"Why does she have my face?" Ebony whispered to me as Claudia hugged her again.

"Ebony, meet Claudia. Claudia, meet Ebony." I smiled and pressed my lips together in amusement. "I told you there were similarities." I shrugged, trying not to laugh at Ebony's sudden discomfort. "I didn't lie to you."

"Similarities? Are you kidding me?" She whispered before Claudia pulled back and smiled in her face. "Hey!" Ebony cheered awkwardly. "So you're Claudia? The mermaid who is going to marry the devil?"

"Yes." Claudia reached out and shook her hand enthusiastically. "I'm so excited to be a part of a family. You are so pretty. I can see why Jake likes you so much. He told me we looked alike when I stayed in his room on the ship. Jake taught me many things. Good things. Wonderful things." She cheered loudly. "I love Jake."

Ebony looked over at me and raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

"Not those things. Calm down." I rolled my eyes.

"I just love Jake, and I'm sure I'll love you too." Claudia hugged Ebony tightly. "We can be best friends."

"That's nice." I smiled at Ebony, tilting my head. "Isn't that nice, Eb?"

"So nice," Ebony said, keeping her eyes on me. "So, let me get this straight. The devil chose Claudia here knowing she looks exactly like me, and I'm supposed to believe it was just a coincidence?"

"Oh, it was no coincidence, my friend. Trust me." I smirked. "Turns out the devil had a big old crush on you." I laughed and covered my mouth as Ebony glared at me like I had called her fat. "Don't hate the messenger." I protested. "Wait until boss sees her."

"Carter is never meeting her." Ebony snapped. "We don't need him causing any more wars over me."

I chuckled to myself. "No, it's my turn to start a war over a girl. Ironic, really."

"What girl, Jake?" Claudia smiled sweetly as she watched me hungrily like I was candy in a shop window. "I'm a girl." She cooed at me.

"Oh, my goodness," Ebony said with wide eyes. "Looks like someone has a little crush all of their own." She put her hands on her hips and smirked at me. "You sick bastard." She shook her head.

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