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"Where is Cayden?" I said, pretending not to see him standing in front of me as I walked through the door. "Cayden?" I looked around as I scratched my head. "Mmmmmm?"

"Here!" He laughed, hitting my leg.

"Where?" I spun around, looking for him. He loves this game. "Cayden? This isn't funny, man. Where are you?" I checked under the table. "I can hear him, but I can't see him."

"I'm here." He giggled, following me as I walked around the room.

"Cayden!" I shouted dramatically. "Where are you!"

"I'm right here, Uncle J." He giggled, hugging my leg.

"Oh my gosh! There you are." I scooped him up in my arms and tickled him as he laughed loudly. "Where are you hiding from me?"

"No!" He laughed, throwing his head back. "I was right in front of you."

"You two are so cute." Ebony cooed, walking into the room. "He just adores you."

"The feeling is mutual." I melted as Cayden threw his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. A little too tightly, actually. "Geez, you're getting strong. Let me see those guns, boy." Cayden proudly flexed his arm and showed off his muscles. "Almost as big as your uncle J."

I flexed my arm to show him my muscle. "Woah!" Cayden touched my arm. "Where did you get those from?"

"A superhero never reveals his workout regime." I winked at him. "Plus, the ladies love them."

"Mommy, I want to be a superhero like Uncle J." Cayden smiled and flexed his muscles again.

Ebony held her hand over her heart. "My boys." She ran over and hugged us.

"She does this a lot," Cayden whispered in my ear.

"I know," I whispered back. "But your mommy is perfect, and don't you forget it."

Cayden just nodded and hugged his mom.

"Ok, it's time for your dinner, young man. Uncle Leon is in the kitchen waiting for you."

"Are you staying home for dinner?" Cayden asked excitedly. "You can sit with me."

"Sure, buddy." I placed him on the ground. "You go and help your uncle Leon, and I'll be in there shortly."

"Yes!" Cayden cheered and ran toward the kitchen.

"He has been asking where you have been lately. He misses having you at home." Ebony hugged me tightly. "We all do."

"Boss doesn't," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry about him. I'm just glad you are here." She looked up at me. "Sorry again for barging in on you at work."

"It's fine. I didn't feel like finishing anyway." I shrugged.

"Is therapy helping? I don't want to pry into your personal life, but I worry."

"I'm doing fine. You know me. One foot in the grave and one hand a lady. I'll survive." I smiled at her. "How have you been?"

"I'm good. Bored but good. Everyone is so busy at the moment. If I wasn't helping you and Callan with the souls, I would never leave the house," She hugged me again. "I kinda miss all the adventures, you know. Are you sure I didn't interrupt you before?" She tilted her head slightly and grinned.

"Does it matter if you did?" I shrugged. "I'm not going back to see her anyway."

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing. I just don't want to talk to her anymore. End of story." I pulled myself away from her. "So, how about this weather lately."

"What happened, Jake? Did she try to do something kinky with you?" Ebony laughed like she was joking.

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