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For the first time in my life, when I woke this morning, I didn't hide away the bruises on my face with makeup

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For the first time in my life, when I woke this morning, I didn't hide away the bruises on my face with makeup. I have no doubt everyone is aware it is there on my slightly swollen cheek, so there's no point abusing my insane makeup skills.

After all the practice I've had it's bound to be amazing

Once my usual morning exercises were done, I got dressed in a cropped, grey Eminem t-shirt, and a pair of black shorts and some grey trainers. With my ass long black curls thrown into a messy bun, I made my way to the kitchen.

Reaching up to scratch an itch in my mountain of curls, I heard a knife clatter on the plate. Turning around, I saw Tommaso sat at the kitchen table, his mouth hanging open and eyes wide in shock.

"What?" I ask, brows furrowed as my hand dropped to my side.

"Th-that- you have an Angel tattoo?!" Gobsmacked Tommaso stared at my waist, where on the other side held my Angel tattoo.

"Yeah...I'm a member." I said slowly, as if I were explaining something to a child.

"I-it's pretty." Tommaso replied after a slight pause.

"Cheers?" I said, sounding more like a question.

Confused, I carried on and made myself a cup of tea. Knowing Antonio was bound to pester me about breakfast, I got a small bowl of granola.

Later, everyone began filling into the kitchen for the usual morning meals. Tristan was the last to enter, bags under his eyes big enough to hold the weekly shopping. As his gaze met mine, a pool of sorrow was all I saw.

Hesitantly, he approached me. Reaching out gently, he moved out the stray curls from my cheek. A grimace formed on his face at the sight of the bruise covering the side of my face.

"Mi dispiace tanto tesoro. Non volevo farti del male." He whispered as he placed his chin on my head, wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a hug
(I'm so sorry darling. I didn't mean to hurt you.)

"Lo so... va bene, ti perdono." I smiled back, relaxing in his hold. "Ma se mi metti di nuovo le mani addosso, sarà l'ultima volta che avrai le mani."
(I know...it's okay I forgive you.) (But if you put your hands on me again, it'll be the last time you have hands)

Giving me a small smile, Tristan took a seat on the kitchen barstool beside Tommaso.

For the rest of the morning, everyone talked and ate quietly. The boys and I left for school at our usual time, and arrived not long before the bell for first lesson went.

I was wearing a north face jacket, covering the tattoo on my back that had startled Tommaso earlier.

Don't need the school knowing I'm in a gang

"We've got to get to the gym for a team meeting, will you be okay alone?" Tommaso asked, staring down at me concerningly.

"Yep, bye." I laughed as the two of them ran off.

Wandering down the halls, I stared at the message I received moments ago from Jamie, asking if my face was healing nicely or if plastic surgery was necessary.

I was so busy shaking my head at his mischief, that I didn't notice the massive, solid body stood in front of me.

As I began falling back, a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me back up.

"Shit, are you okay?"

Looking up, I saw a blue eyed red head staring down at me. He was five-foot-ten, curls falling down on his pale forehead. As my heads subconsciously rested on his chest, I could feel the muscles beneath the material of his shirt.

"Um...yeah thanks." I replied as I stepped out of his grasps.

"Are you new?" He asked, eyes catching sight of the bruise on my face, but he chose not to mention it.

"Yeah, I'm Kalina." I said, offering a small smile.

"Jayden." He replied, returning my smile.

It ended up that Jayden and I had the same classes, he just wasn't in the previous week due to suspension. This then led to the two of us talking all the way through our lessons and getting to know each other.

"Do you want to have lunch with my friends and I?" Jayden asked as the bell rang for lunch.

"Sure." I answered, following him to his locker and dumping my bag in there for the time being.

We went to the lunch hall and grabbed our food, then made our way to a table outside, where two people were already sat.

The first was a guy, wearing a leather jacket like Jayden, except this guy was slightly taller, roughly Tommaso's height. His hair was a soft blonde, cut down short and his eyes a jade green. His skin was slightly pale, but it had a sense of warm to it.

The second one was another guy, he had a body warmer on, and a grey hoodie cornering his face. I could see the tips of his brown hair poking through the top of his hood, his head facing down at the bench he was sat on. I could hear his laughter though, which was filled with happiness. His legs were short though, I'd say he's five-foot-five, maybe six.

"Guys, this is Kalina." Jayden said as we approached the two.

The blonde haired guy smiled down at me and shook my hand, "I'm Maxim." His accent was thick and strong, European definitely. German I'm guessing.

The hooded boy stood up, and shook my hand as well. But I still couldn't see his face. "I'm Carter."

The four of us ate our lunch together, I took my time getting to know them as they took their time to know me.

Maxim is in fact German, he moved here with his sister who is his legal guardian when he was eight. He grew up in downtown L.A and has only recently moved to the upper state area of the city. He's a street fighter, specialising in boxing.

Jayden is the classic book worm of the group. He even read a bit during lunch while he ate. He's also very cuddly, which i surprisingly wasn't bothered with. He simply had his arm over Carter and my shoulders while ate. It also helps he's a personal radiator.

Carter kept his hood up all through lunch, it's obvious he's trying to hide something but I chose not to question it. He can do as he pleases. He's relatively chatty, which I found quite entertaining. He talked about cars and street racing and... Disney movies. Like I said, entertaining.

Tommaso and Tristan found me later on, considering they usually eat inside. They seemed a little on edge as to who my new friends were, but they didn't say anything.

The four of us spent the rest of the day together. Even Maxim who snook into our classes since we are in lower classes than him.

The minute they realised I couldn't read or write, they each took turns writing done my notes for me in big block letters so I could read it easier.

It's the little things that make a true friend; is the main thing I learnt in school today.

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