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Sorry it took so long to update, I've had writers block, been busy then more writers block BUT I've prioritised this over my exams!!

Timeline might be a bit messy, just ignore it :)

The snow drifted down from the sky, scattered in the curls of my dark hair

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The snow drifted down from the sky, scattered in the curls of my dark hair. Stood freezing in my skintight white snow suit, boots ankle height, I watched through the sights of my sniper. I listened through the radio headset, the exchange going our way so far.

In prone position, my sniper, 1.76 miles away from the meet. Staring down my sights, I focused on the heat my snow suit provided for me.

The meet was for Teddy, Madison and Killian, all of them at the drug buy that got raided by coppers three weeks ago.

The same raid that got Ace locked up... thank god he wasn't tried as an adult.

We were making a deal with the French, who have connections with the Colombians. This deal will help us cover a wider range of drug distribution over the uk, giving us the stock we need to run all the other dealers out of business; the dealers who sell to children.

'Kid, you in place?' Teddy asked through the radio.

'Freezing my tits off sitting still like this.' I answered, loading an extra magazine, just incase.

I could hear the chuckling through the other end, knowing we were all on the same channel. I kept my eye on my guys through the sights. While this may be a deal on good terms, we don't trust these assholes.

We've already lost Ace due to their lack of security, and I'm prepared to kill them and any form of law enforcement that tries to take more of my family.

Teddy drove Ace and I back to his hotel, the night life of Paris fresh and exciting. Restaurants were lit up, and a wide range of couples and families sat having their meals. The happiness on their faces was oddly annoying.

What about their life is so safe and comfortable that they could be so carefree.

The daggers in my bra and pocket felt heavier than usual, reminding me that in this life, there will always be danger.

Once we got to the hotel room Ace was quick to kick off his boots, manspreading on the sofa. Teddy took off his blazer and poured us all some whiskey, a grin on his face that had been there since he saw us.

"So, how's life with the mafia?"

He always had a way with words our Teddy

Chuckling, I sipped on my drink before replying. "It's been... odd."

"What do you mean odd? Do we have to kill anyone?" Teddy's face was instantly stern, his voice dropped an octave in worry.

"No, nothing like that. They've been great, that's what makes it all so odd." I reassured him.

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