Chapter One

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"I'm glad you made it in so quick Miss Mori," the lawyer sat in front of me with a stack of papers on his desk, "Your late father had something in his will he wanted us to go over."

I felt a tug at my heart. The first emotion I felt in the past forty-eight hours. Father's death was quick and unexpected leaving me still unable to process that he was really gone.

"He left a letter for you, firstly," the balding man slid the letter over the desk, "Secondly, he left his house and land to you. His only wish was that you didn't sell either."

I looked at the letter scrawled with my name on the front. It was my father's handwriting, sloppy and hastily written. I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Thirdly, he had an account put back for you. It holds," the man slipped a paper on the desk towards me to rest next to the letter, "Over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and can still gain interest."

I chuckled and slid forward into my seat, my hands cupping my face, "That dumb idiot. He is still looking after me."

"I can give you a minute to yourself," I glanced up and watched the lawyer stand and walk around the desk, he placed a hand on my shoulder, "Read the letter as soon as you are willing."

I nodded and the man left the room. I stared at the letter after hearing the door close behind me. I reached forward and grabbed the letter.

The envelope was new, couldn't have been a couple of weeks old, and I caught a whiff of my father's cologne he always wore.

I slipped my fingers under the fold and opened the letter. It was a simple letter, put together hastily and in a hurry.

Dear (F/N),

I left this world too soon. Way too soon. I have something I want you to do for this old dead man. Go to the cabin. Take a few days there. Tell no one you're going.

See you sometime in hell,
Dean Winston Mori

"What the fuck kind of letter is this?" I scoffed and threw down the letter on the desk and stared out the window, "Not even an 'I love you? A 'I hope you will be fine without me' would have been nice and don't get me started on seeing you in hell part."

I felt tears run down my cheeks as I bitched.

"Stupid old man," I sobbed into my hand, "The army gave you a stupid sense of humor."

My crying stopped after five minutes. The lawyer returned after ten minutes.

"I see you read the letter,"

"I did,"


"And if he didn't tell you what was inside then I'm not either," I huffed, "I thought you were a military lawyer, you of all people should know that shit is private."

"Right, Right," the balding man nodded, "Well, that was all your father had left for me to give you, i'm sorry for your loss."

Time for you to leave.

"Got it," I stood, grabbing the paperwork and letter before turning on my heel and leaving out the door, I didn't say goodbye.

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