Chapter Three

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I slept off and on for a week. Only rising to eat, use the restroom, and clean myself. König was true to his word and watch over me. I was grateful. It made me feel safer.

Today marked another week and i was finally allowed to walk around unassisted. I traveled the halls of the base i was in with the large male slowly walking behind my limping form.

A thing i learned about König was that he wasn't the greatest at conversations unless prompted. He would never start chatting unless you asked him a question. Most of the time he was silent and fidgeting.

I slowed my pace even more and walked side by side with König through the Infirmary halls.

"Are you tired?" König asked as he walked with me.

"Not yet," I felt the signs of working my leg too much, "I am tired of sitting in a blank room though."

"Maybe I can find something for you to do," König took a large hand under my elbow and started leading me back to my room, "Let's get you seated and I will see what I can do."

I let the large man lead me back into the room. He brought me to the cushioned chair he often slept in and helped me sit down in it. A sigh escaped my lips as the strain was lifted from my leg.

"I shall be back," König chuckled as he tried to make a joke, "Don't go anywhere."

"ha ha," I fake laughed and rolled my eyes, "Please just end it for me."

He teased me for the first time, "What, you didn't like my joke?"

I was half tempted to throw the paper cup that was empty on the moveable tray. König's deep laugh rumbled as he walked out the door. I watched him pass the window and down the hall.

I waited for him to return. I grabbed the grey blanket he had been covering up within the chair. I surprised myself by smelling the blanket. It smelled like man but with the lingering scent of the standard military soap the base used. I threw the cover over my chest and leaned back into the chair as i enjoyed the smell König had left behind. I closed my eyes and inhaled.

König was a good-looking man and could have any woman he so desired, his facial scars adding to the allure of him with his height. I would often find myself staring at him as he walked the room to get something for me or while he stretched out in the chair.

I felt my heart hammer in my chest a feeling i hadn't had since my first and only crush. It was the exciting feeling of wanting a man and the feelings that came with it.

I opened my eyes, i could not be falling for him already, i just couldn't. There was too much happening around me for me to even think about it. It hadn't even been two weeks yet. Was it the fact he had held me after my torture the reason? The first strong person to come along during my time of vulnerability causing me to project onto him?

If we had met differently, maybe we could have been something, maybe we could have had a fling and been out of each other's way soon after.

I didn't even know if he had a lover already. I could be lusting after a man already taken like most military men were.

I sighed as my heart dropped suddenly to my stomach. Why was the thought of him being with another almost heartbreaking?

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