Chapter Sixteen

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I felt dead inside when we eventually finished filling Laswell in. An hour had passed and I wished for a shower and a good rest. My face would throb but was eased a bit by the bourbon I downed before leaving to get information from Fang or Erin.

Price had asked me to go in a talk with the large male who was chained to the table by cuffs. He felt that with our past history he would be more open to talking with me. The one-way mirror gave us full view of Erin as he stared straight ahead. I looked over him as I tried to gather my emotions.

"Right," I glanced at Ghost, Price, and Alejandro, "I'm going in."

I opened the door and walked in, shutting the heavy door behind me, I heard the click of the lock engaging. I strolled over to the chair across from Erin and sat down slowly.

"Haven't even changed out of your gear before talking with me?" He chuckled as he glanced over my tac vest, "I feel honored. It means you were in a hurry to talk with me."

His remark got under my skin but I bit my tongue. You accomplished more with honey than you did vinegar.

"Who are you working for?"

"Officially?" He asked and leaned back in his chair.

"If you want,"

"Shadow Company,"

"And unofficially?"



"Shadow company is a joke. They killed civilians, families, and all in the name of the greater good." he sighed, "I didn't like that. I started doubting the company. I don't know what Graves' planning is."

"What about Davis Moore?" I asked while laying my hands across the table.

"Graves is using that as his new Moniker to go under the radar under Shepherd's orders,"

"You confirm Graves is alive?"

"Yes, even spoke with him," Erin leaned forward and tilted his head to look into my eyes as he talked, "Look im not the bad guy here. I do what im told by Shadow Company and relay information with Dean when I can."

"When was the last time you talked with him?"

"When he was here last in Mexico before Derick was ordered to eliminate him on the field," Erin looked at the wall as he talked, "I helped him escape the hotel before they bombed it. Shadow Company was called to level the ground. I got word we were called and rushed to meet him before they got there."

I glanced over my shoulder to the one-way mirror. Do we trust him?

"Look, I will do whatever you want," Erin looked at the mirror and spoke, "Whatever you need me to do Price. If you need me to get you in undercover into the shadow bases, details on the bombs, whatever it's yours."

The door opened and Price entered the room. He walked to stand beside my chair. Price's eyes looked down at Erin as he assessed him.

"Why try to kill him?"

"because he was exposing corruption. He exposed General Daves years ago for murdering groups of civilians in Iraq. Shepherd became afraid and where Shepherd is Graves isn't that far behind." Erin leaned forward and put his head in his hands, "And the bombs are all going to Afghanistan at the end of it. You guys took one but the other three are going there. I don't know why though."

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