Crack Chapter! Four

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Prompt: Woke up with a cat in my bed. I do not own a cat. Who brought the cat onto base?

As I slowly started to wake from a light sleep I felt a cold wet nose touch my own. I could feel a large body on my chest and I opened my eyes quickly and was surprised by the face of a fat orange cat.

I do not own a cat.

I was dumbfounded, to say the least. The cat lounged fully on my chest and its green eyes stared into my face as I looked down at it.

"Good... Kitty?" I whispered.

I almost jumped out of my skin when the fat thing closed its eyes and let out a mew that sounded raspy and scratchy.

How did it get in here? Where did it come from? Why was it in MY room?

The questions didn't stop as the door to my bathroom opened and König stepped out without his shirt on and sweat pants hanging dangerously on his hips.

"Oh! You are awake!" He grinned and toweled at his wet hair, "And I see you met Mister."


"Yeah, I... Uh... Named him that," König sheepishly looked around my room as he dropped the towel unto the back of my desk chair.

"Why is it in my room?"

"Mister?" König asked.


"Oh," He blushed and pulled out my desk chair and sat down in the seat, his legs spread apart as he leaned forward and grabbed the large cat off my chest, I watched as he sat the cat in his lap and started petting the creature, "I found him this morning just off the trails used for terrain training. I didn't think you would have a problem with him since, you know, Kane."

"Kane is a dog," I sat up in my bed and glanced uncertainly at the fat cat, "Not a cat."

"I will take care of him," König gave me a small frown, "You won't have to worry about him."

"No no," I sighed and brought my hand to my face, "I never owned a cat before... I wouldn't know where to start! Do they even eat kibble?"

"That and wet food," He looked at me as his face slowly blossomed into a large grin, "So we can keep him?"

I dropped my hands and looked back at the cat that sat still in my lover's lap with its eyes closed purring loudly.

"Fine, as long as he gets along with Kane,"

"We can introduce them together slowly," König scratched the cat under his fat little chin with a finger, "Like through a door, right Mister?"

"Why Mister?" I asked and brought my legs up to my chest.

"Well," König paused in his petting of the cat, "He looked like a Mister."

I glanced back at the cat purring loudly from his place on König large lap. The cat held his head back and its green eyes were closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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