Chapter 4- Hunting Troll

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When Ruby emerged from the post card, the first thing she heard was a terribly loud roar coming from down stairs.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"We don't know." Stella answered leaving the room running. Bloom and Ruby followed her.

When they got downstairs, they saw their parents shaking in the corner of the living room because of the ogre, which Ruby thought its name was Nut if she wanted to believe those voices were real, some Ghouls and some other creature that looked like a troll from one of Bloom's stories.

Wait a fucking second. It's a hunting troll. I was actually hearing to a real conversation that was happening probably thousands of miles, maybe even light years, away from me. Oh shit, it's after us.

"Those girls must be around here somewhere." The ogre said.

Ruby picked up a jar and threw it right at Nut's head hitting the target perfectly.

"We're right behind you, you ugly beast." Ruby yelled.

"Now let's settle this. SOLARIA." Stella yelled and then was surrounded by a blinding light forcing everyone to look away.

When Ruby opened her eyes, Stella was back at the outfit she had when they first met. She flew towards them and kicked the Troll in the face.

"You dummy, you got beat by a juicy blonde." Nut said to the ogre who just growled in return.

"I'm no ordinary blonde." Stella said kinda smugly. The monsters growled angrily at them. "Girls, we're out numbered. We're gonna have to split them up."

Ruby breathed deeply, fear taking over her being but, not wanting her sister to know she calmed down.

"I have an idea." She said. "Me and Bloom will take care of the Ghouls."

Bloom nodded and they both started running away, being chased by the Ghouls and trusting Stella to save their parents from the ogre and troll. They got out of the house and while outside with the Ghouls they saw flashes of light coming from inside.

"Now what do we do?" Bloom asked her sister who was wandering the exact same thing.

Why don't I ever think everything through first.

Suddenly, they saw a bucket moving on its own, going past the Ghouls and stopping in front of the sisters. Bloom raised the bucket revealing nothing under it but, Ruby saw Kiko inside of it, holding on for his dear life, spread out like a starfish and shaking terribly. Not knowing the little bunny was there, Bloom let the bucket fall from her hands. Ruby cringed.

There was a blast of light coming from the house and Nut flew from the door and landed on top of the Ghouls, squishing them.

"Stella sure knows how to command a spell." Bloom said but, right after that, Stella was thrown off the window of the house. "Stella."

The two sisters ran towards the new found friend to help her.

"Ruby, Bloom don't worry, I've called the specialists." Stella said, with the intention to relax them.

"Specialists on what?" Ruby asked.

Before Stella could answer, the troll stepped out of the house, destroying the doorway in the process. It almost attacked them but, a rope was wrapped around its neck and it was pulled back. Ruby looked behind it and saw a bunch of guys there. A ginger nerdy looking one with some kind of gun in his hand. A long-haired blonde with a shield and a determinated smirk on his face. A magenta haired guy, the one that was holding the troll, with a really smug look on his face. And lastly there was a brunette guy, who was resting his head in his sword looking bored out of his mind.

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