Chapter 57- Unexcpected friendship

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"I'm just saying, what kind of Headmaster lets his students fight off the bad guy on their own." Stormy argued with Ruby, sitting at the edge of one of Cloud Tower's balconies. "If he's so powerful he must've known something was up in his own school. Unless he's like Griffin and has absolutely no clue about what the students are doing."

Ruby laughed.

"Trust me, Bolt. You are not the only one who wonders that."

"Well, am I the only one who thinks that guy Voldemort being, literally, in that dude's head, was freakish?"

"Absolutely not, it's always terrifying at first but, you eventually get used to it and it kind of starts making sense."


"I don't know."

Stormy leaned her head on Ruby's shoulder, looking down at their army coming back to Cloud Tower. They were visibly less, however, the Trix hadn't sent the whole army. They didn't even send a quarter of it. Magix was doomed.

"I can't wait for when the whole Magic Dimension is scared of saying my name." Stormy said darkly. "But I think saying You-Know-Who all the time is tiresome."

"It's better than She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." They laughed together.

"Please, Stormy." Darcy said, approaching the two. "No one would ever be scared of saying your name."

"What? Yeah they would." Stormy said, standing up to face Darcy.

Actually your name is Stormy, which literally means 'little storm' which is absolutely adorable but, yeah sure it'll be feared.

Darcy looked at Ruby with a little smirk receiving a glare from the ex-fairy.

"Stop reading my thoughts."

"I can't help it, you're loud."

"How the hell am I supposed to whisper in my head?"

"Sisters. Stop your bickering." Icy called looking down at the creatures of darkness. "The magic dimension is now ready to hear our demands."

"Could one of those be, have pizza on restaurants?" Ruby whispered to Darcy and Stormy who laughed.

"Come one, sisters and Ruby." Icy ordered starting to walk back to the castle.

"Aren't you coming, little one?" Darcy asked, noticing Ruby hadn't moved from her spot on the ground.

"No, you go do your thing. I like it out here."

"It's raining." Stormy pointed out.

"So what? I like the rain."

"Alright, you better not get sick, though." Darcy said walking inside with her sister.

"Yeah, no promises."

The redhead stayed outside for a while, which promised a flu to come, watching the giants go back to their original form. Thousands of little centipedes. She cringed when she saw them crawling up the walls of the castle and heading somewhere, probably wherever the Trix are, to get new orders.

"Gross." She remarked.

"They're pretty disgusting aren't they?" Ruby squealed and turned around faster than a lightning to see the three ghouls she met on the day she was broken out of the asylum standing there.

"What the fuck?" She said, dumbfounded.

"Speak for yourself. They're quite delicious." One of them, she can't tell which one is which, said chewing on one of the centipedes.

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