Chapter 44- Hurt

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Ruby flew and flew over the forest, so fast that her friends were barely abele to keep up with her, completely discarding Stella's light. But how could she slow down? Her sister could be being attacked by The Trix at that moment and she, on her own, couldn't defeat them. They could be hurting her or worse.

"Ruby, slow down, please." Musa yelled from behind her.

"No, I can't waste any more time. I have to find my sister." Ruby yelled back, looking down to the bright yellow arrow that Flora created which was showing them the way.

"We're worried too but, we have to be intelligent and logical." Tecna said, trying to comfort her friend the best way she could. "We can't freak out too much."

Ruby tried to listen to Tecna but, the worry and panic she was feeling wasn't helping at all. The dream she had, left her too stressed out... and heart broken.

"Well but,..."

"What's that?" Flora said, cutting Ruby out.

The plant fairy pointed downwards to a clearing in the middle of the forest and Ruby's breath got stuck on her throat once she saw Icy trapping Bloom, Ruby's friend Mirta and Kiko in an ice prison. She narrowed her eyes at the three witches, that hadn't noticed them yet, and blasted them all with her strongest hit which sent them flying down to the floor painfully.

"Who's that little girl?" Stella asked looking at the ice prison while the witches tried to stand up from the ground with pained groans. "Leave them alone." 

The blonde raised her arms to Mirta, Bloom and Kiko's prison and two sun rays came out of her hands, melting it quickly.

"You pesky little gnas." Icy groaned angrily. "I hate you."

"You won't win this time." Mirta said.

"Chill out sister." Stormy said to Icy with a glare. "I'll settle this for you in a minute."

Stormy took off and hovered in front of the group of fairies. Raising her arms in the air, the witch created some strong gusts of wind, blowing in different directions, that resulted on two tornados appearing in each side of the group. Before any of them could run away, Stormy trapped them together in some kind of white and strong rope. 

While struggling to get free, Ruby saw from the corner of her eye, her sister transforming but, unfortunately, Icy took her down easily, leaving her in the ground cold and helpless. The goth fairy groaned and, as her eyes turned red, she dissappeared on thin air only leaving behind traces of red energy. 

The Trix looked around confused as to where the young fairy went, however, they got startled by an illusion Mirta created of a giant monster roaring at them which broke their concentration, causing Stormy to drop the spell of the rope and the tornados.

"She broke my concentration." Stormy whined.

"Not smart." Darcy said threatningly.

"This is it, Mirta. I've had it with you." Icy yelled furiously. "You're a pain in the neck, you're a bothersome little... a bothersome little... pumpkin?" She said looking down at Mirta's shirt with a cute pumpkin in it which brought a devious smile to the witch's face. "Why not?"

Icy blasted Mirta with some kind of spell that turned her into a pumpkin with eyes but, no mouth. The witches laughed wickedly, however, they were interrupted when something pushed Icy down into the floor. Looking at the place she landed, they saw Ruby there, red eyes matching the red energy covering her body as her hair fluttered behind her, even though, there was no wind that day. She stood next to Icy, who was laying on the floor, looking down at her in anger.

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