Chapter 30- A rose for you

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"Ruby, Bloom." A voice said and once Ruby opened her eyes she was next to her sister in a weird purple void. "Ruby, Bloom."

"Who's calling us?" Bloom asked to which Ruby answered by shrugging.

"Who's there?" Ruby called.

"It's me, girls." The voice said.

"Thank you, completely enlightened." Ruby mumbled sarcastically.

"Don't you remember me? Do you know my voice?" The voice asked and it did sound familiar for both sisters.

"It's you, you're the one who let us out of Cloud Tower castle." Bloom realized.

"Yes, Bloom. Come to me. Come."

Ruby and Bloom tried to walk to where the voice seemed to be coming from but, they weren't sure where that was nor could they see who was talking.

"We can't see you." Ruby said.

"Come girls."

"Where are you?" Bloom asked.

"I'm here."

Suddenly, something hit the girls' back and looking behind them there she was. A beautiful woman with a a shiny and almost divine aura around her, that made the girls look away from her. She was wearing a yellow mask in her face like the ones you wear for a masquerade ball and a beautiful shiny ffeet-lenght golden dress. Salmon colored ribbons were hanging on her arms and she was unhumanly tall which made her look even more divine.

"I'm waiting for you." The woman said, offering her hand to both girls. "Come to me and remember."

"Remember what?" Ruby asked.

And that's when she opened her eyes to the light of the sun of the real world. She groaned and covered her head with the covers.

Who was that woman?

"What do we have to remember?" Ruby heard her sister say making her eyes widen. Were they sharing the same dream?

She unconvered her head and looked at her sister that was being looked down by Flora.

"For one thing, that today is a holiday." The flower fairy answered Bloom's question with a smile.

"A holiday?" Ruby asked to which Flora nodded. "Great." The redhead said covering her head again and going back to sleep.

"But that is no reason to spend the day in bed." Flora said grabbing the covers and pulling them off Ruby, making the goth fairy groan.

"Noooo, I'm sleepy." Ruby said, pulling the covers back and laying down.

"Ruby." Flora scolded.

"You have to do it like this, Flora." Bloom said and Ruby already new what she was going to do but, she wasn't able to run away in time.

Bloom grabbed her sister's ankles from under the covers and dragged her off them and into the floor with a thud. Both fairies laughed while Ruby rubbed her butt in pain.

"Fuck you." Ruby mumbled standing up from the floor.

"You two were talking in your sleep. You were saying basically the same things." Flora informed them. "What was it you absolutely had to remember?"

"I don't know." Bloom answered. "It was such a weird dream."

"Wait, we were sharing the dream?" Ruby asked. Why didn't her sister find it weird?

"Of course, Ruby. Professor DuFour talked about it last week." Bloom said but, judging by Ruby's face, she was probably sleeping with her eyes open in that class. "Some people, mainly siblings, that have a deep connection sometimes share dreams if their worrying about the same things throughout the day."

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