Chapter 39- Sad Christmas

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Ruby sat down between to her sister and father and in front of her mother and did her best to pretend she wants to be there. 

If her own family doesn't understand her, well, she won't be the one to explain it to them.

The whole family talked and laughed happily while eating the feast. The two boys sat at the small children's table laughing and having a small food fight which Ruby's Aunt had to put a stop to, Bob on the contrary was laughing at the little boys playfullness while drinking his third glass of wine in a single gulp. Ana was on her phone almost all the time but, once on of her little brothers stole it from her she started yelling at them. The grandma was talking to Vanessa about her retirement and how good it has been for her bones while Bloom and Mike talked about Alfea without revealing much of what kind of school it actually was. 

Ruby was the only one not having a good time at all.

She played with her food, not actually eating anything and just wishing she could be out of there. Being surrounded by joy and laughter was the last thing she wanted that day. She might need it but, she surely didn't want it.

"So, Ruby, how have you been?" The aunt asked after being able to calm her sons down.

"Great." She answered not looking up from her plate.

"Of course she is, Helena." Bob said putting his glass down with a drunk smile. "It's been a year, she can't possibly still be upset about it."

Ruby looked up from her food and glared at the fat man with pure hate.

"Bob, a year is not enough to get over such an awful thing." Vanessa argued.

"Please, Nessa." The step-uncle said. "It was just a phase so it is simple to get over it. Besides, they weren't even family."

"You aren't even family." Ruby mumbled under her breath squeezing her glass of water in her hand tightly. The man, however, hadn't hear her insult and continued to blab.

"And she just said she was fine so she is over it."

Bloom face palmed herself at her step-uncle's ignorance. Ruby one the other side, was about to slap him in the middle of his chubby red face but, she held herself back.

"Right, I'm over it." Ruby said taking a sip of water wishing it was something alcoholic. 

"I am full." Mike said sighing and pushing his plate away so he could change subject. "How about we go to the living room to open up some presents."

"YAY." The two boys cheered, looking forward for the presents.

"I agree. I can't fit anything more in my stomach anymore." Bob said standing up from the table.

Ruby smirked.

Shocked he didn't eat the table.

Everyone stood up and walked towards the decorated common room, however, Ruby was pulled back by her grandma who had a worried expression on her face.

"Ruby dear, you didn't eat a thing. Are you sure you're alright?" The small old woman asked concerned.

"I'm fine, grandma. I'm just not hungry, had a heavy lunch." Ruby answered and the woman nodded understanding.

"You know, you shouldn't listen to Bob. It's the wine talking." The grandma said trying to comfort her ganddaughter.

"I know, Gran." Ruby said and then walked to the living room along side her grandma.

The room was all decorated in Christmas decorations. There was four Christmas stockings in the fire place one with the name of Bloom, another with Ruby and the other two with their parents names. There were Christmas lights on the ceiling corners and a few others hanging on the window. The Christmas tree was decorated with so much lights and Christmas balls and plastic sugar canes. There was even some tiny stuffed raindeers. The only thing missing was the Christmas star. After all, it was Ruby's job to put it on. That made her smile a bit.

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