Chapter 14- Damaged

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"So as I was saying, today's exercise will be rather difficult." Professor Palladium explained to his students.

"Professor Palladium. A mosquito just bit me." Some girl complained.

Everyone except for Ruby laughed.

"Yes well we are near a swamp and it's just a mosquito no big deal." The Professor said in the middle of the laughter. 

"But look where it got me." She said raising the hem of her shorts for the Professor to see.

"Oh my." The Professor said stepping away embarrassed. "Well, what I meant was, uh, to be shorts and to uh... to the point."

"Poor Professor." Bloom whispered to Stella. "They shouldn't give him such a hard time."

"If he was more confident he'd get more respect." The blonde fairy said back.

"Honestly." Ruby whispered to herself. "I'm glad he got nervous and stepped away because, if he hadn't we would definitly be having a class with a pervert and pedophile."

Bloom laughed hearing her sister's comment.

"Ruby." She scolded laughing, making her sister smile slightly.

"A good fairy must be able to listen to what Nature tells us. Today's exercise is designed to put your skills to the test. Now, you've all been put into groups so, we're ready to begin. You have three hours to get out of Black Mud Swamp and reach the clearing of gloomy wood forest, without using magic. Remember, listen carefully to the voice of Nature and follow it's advice."

The Professor explained, dissappearing into thin air right after and leaving all of them alone in that Swamp, making everyone gasp in surprise.

I hope they're gasping because he just left his fucking students alone in wild land and not because he dissappeared. We are in a place called Magix, what's so abnormal to you guys that grew up here?

Bloom grabbed Ruby's hand while she was in the middle of mentally cursing to every girl in that swamp and pulled her away with the other Winx Club girls.

Ruby tried to pay attention to the sounds of nature but, the only thing she heard was a branch breaking beacuse a student stepped on it.

"I don't think it has anything interesting to tell us."

"You can't only hear Nature, Ruby." Flora explained. "You also have to feel it."

Ruby loked at the Flower fairy with forrowed eyebrows and then squatteed down to touch the grass. 

"Like this? Still doesn't feel like she's telling anything."

Flora giggled.

"No, silly. You have to feel what they're saying in your heart." She grabbed Ruby's arm and pulled her up. "I'll try to explain to you what I mean while doing the exercise."

When they reached a mud-puddle, Bloom tried to pull her sister with them but, she refused to go any further.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not going there. These boots are new, you know?" The younger redhead said trying to pull away from Bloom's grasp.

"Ruby." Bloom said with a threat in her voice.

Eventaully, she wasn's able to fight Bloom and was pulled into the puddle. The mud was sticky and felt disgusting and it reached their knees. Ruby sent her sister an annoyed look.

"If we get out of here alive, I will murder you."

"Ugh, this place is totally disgusting." Stella complained.

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