Chapter 32- Safe

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"Ruby, Bloom."

"Not again." Ruby mumbled looking up at the woman once again, with her sister next to her. 

It was the same scenario as the last time. A purple void with a tall divine-looking woman. The only difference was that, instead of their pajamas, the two sisters were transformed into their fairy form.

"We meet at last, my precious little angels." The woman said with a kind voice.

"Angel? I think you're confusing me with someone else, lady." Ruby whispered, not daring to say it very loudly. That woman didn't seem to want to harm them.

"Where are we?" Bloom asked. "This isn't the realm of Magix."

"No, and we don't have much time."

"Time for what?" Ruby asked. "Who are you?"

"I'm Daphne. Listen carefully, girls. You must come to me."

"But, we... we." Bloom stuttered, not being able to say anything.

"Yes, Bloom. Come to me. Come to me, girls. You must come to me."

"We're here." Ruby said, not understanding anything the woman was saying.

"We-We're coming." Bloom said. "Wait for us."

"And that's when I woke up." Ruby said to Dr. Wilson, leaving the part that her and Bloom shared the dream aside.

"So you've never seen this woman before?" Dr. Wilson asked.

"No, I don't think so." Ruby answered. "Though the name Daphne and her voice are not odd to me. It's like I've seen her before but, I can't remember when or where. I don't have a clue."

"Maybe you saw her when you were a child and she was an important part of your life so, like she was so important to you, the memory of her is coming back, making you dream of her." Ruby nodded understadning, though part of her didn't think it was just that. "Well, it's time to finish this session." The two stood up from their seats and, before she could leave, Dr. Wilson called Ruby. "How is the medication working?"

"Very well." Ruby said with a soft smile before going away.

She would usually ride her skateboard towards an alley to get high but, that day she felt like doing something else. She then remember the witch pub she went a few weeks before and how... cozy it felt. She wanted to go back and she would definitly go through unnoticed.

She rode to the abandoned house and placed her key in the lock.

"Magix City." Ruby said turning the key with her magic flowing through it.

When she stepped through that door she found herself going in the pub. Luckily no one seemed to notice that the other side of the door showed a purple room with the theme of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' instead of the streets.

She was going to sit down in a booth but, she froze in her place her heart filling up with hate and something else. She saw Riven and Darcy sitting together on a table, most likely on a date. Ruby closed her fist tightly, draining blood from her palm.

Darcy noticed Ruby from the corner of her eye and smirked at her, noticing her angry face. Darcy winked at her before laughing softly at something Riven said.

For some reason, it took everything in Ruby to not punch Riven in the face right there. She suddenly saw, a few tables in front of theirs, Mirta and Lucy sitting together. The short haired girl also noticed Ruby which made her smile and she motioned for her to sit down with them. The redhead smirked and walked towards the two girls, sitting down with them. 

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