Chapter 28- Earthquakes

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Like Ruby had predicted, they finished cleaning pretty quickly with the help of the boys, though neither her nor Riven helped, since both considered everything that was happening stupid.

At that moment they were in the girls appartment having a party, with no-alcohol which for Ruby meant a boring family gathering.

They all changed into a different outfit. Well, all girls changed. Ruby wore a AC/DC t-shirt with a long sleeved underneath. Blue shorts with a black belt with silver holes and laced tights underneath. Her hair was in her usual half up half down ponytail, natural makeup plus her red lipstick.

 Her hair was in her usual half up half down ponytail, natural makeup plus her red lipstick

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Ruby looked around the party feeling uncomfotable. Everyone looked so happy, dancing, talking, laughing but, why? Why was everyone so happy? What was there to be happy about? Those were Ruby's questions.

"Don't you want to dance, Tecna?" Ruby heard Timmy ask which caught caught her attention. I mean, there was nothing else to do so, why not listening to the others conversations?

"No, I don't like to." Tecna answered shyly. "It makes me feel kind of awkward."

"Well, that makes two of us. I don't like it either, I feel ridiculous."

"Timmy." Riven said leaning on the wall, close to Ruby. "You're ridiculous even when you're not doing anything."

Ruby glared at him and while he was distracted watching Musa dance, which by the way, she was really dancing for him, Ruby grabbed his cup and shoved it at his face, making Timmy and Tecna stifen a laugh. Riven groaned cleaning his face and glaring at Ruby.

"What was that for, Bitch." He shouted.

"You had a mosquitoe on your face so it was either that or a punch and I'm feeling rather nice today." Ruby answered innocently before flipping her hair behind her back, proposedly hitting Riven's face with it, and going towards the balcony to get some fresh air.

Once she was outside she looked around to make sure no one was looking at her and jumped off the balcony, using her powers to soften the landing. Part of her wished she hadn't done it.

Suddenly she heard a sound coming from the well. Like someone talking and then another one sushing them right away. Rubt walked slowly towards the well with her knife in her hand. Once she saw who was behind that well she stepped back immediately raising her knife at the three smiling witches.

"Now, little one is that a way of greeting us?" Darcy asked, stepping closer to the frightened girl.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ruby asked, ignoring Darcy's question.

Icy and Stormy also stepped closer to Ruby and suddenly, Icy grabbed Ruby's free hand and pulled her towards her. The redhead gasped loudly and released a shaky breath, thinking she had stabbed the ice witch but, to her suprise her hand was empty and there was nothing on Icy's stomach besides Ruby's open palm. The goth fairy looked up at the Ice Witch with wide eyes, even more terrified than before.

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