Chapter 22- Get me out

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"Here's the big oak tree." Bloom said, pointing to a tall tree in front of a small wood building. "And there's the Black Lagoon."

"When we get back to Alfea don't forget to update your search program." Musa told Tecna with a mocking smirk.

"My program works very well." Tecna deffended herself. "It's this place that's wrong."

"Tecna's right. There's a strange feeling about the place." Flora said approaching the oak tree and placing a hand on it's trunk. "This tree isn't breathing, it feels odd, cold, distant. It's as if it didn't exist, as if it were an Illusion."

"Are you sure, Flora?" Bloom asked her.

The plant fairy didn't have the time to answer to her friend's question since a strong gust of wind swept through them and suddenly their surroundings became dark, cold and creepy. The beautiful oak tree lost all of its beautiful Autumn leaves and the house became decrepit and every single window were broken. It looked abandoned.

The four girls approached the open door of the house where they saw the figure of the man from earlier standing with a creepy grin.

"Oh, at last there you are we've been waiting for you." The man said. "Come in, please."

He stepped away and foolishly the girls followed his command and entered the creepy looking house. Bloom started to feel nervous so, she subtly stretched out her hand behind her back, knowing that her sister would see it and hold it to comfort her. Her anxiety increased when she didn't feel her sister grab it. She looked behind and around her but, didn't see her little sister.

"Wait, where's Ruby?" Bloom said but, there wasn't time for any reaction since they heard someone talk from behind them.

"Well, look who's here." They all looked into the direction of the voice and saw Stella grinning wickedly at them. "My friends. Don't worry, Ruby's perfectly fine." The door behind the four friends closed suddenly and locked itself. "I'm only here to take back what belongs to me. I want my ring and you're going to give it to me one way or another."

"Where's my sister, Stella?" Bloom asked glaring at her, ignoring their friendship for a second, dreading what might've happened to her sister.

Instead of answering, Stella flew into the air and started attacking the girls with light purple spheres. Bloom is pulled out of the way by Flora and they both hide behind a pilar for shelter.

Meanwhile, in the attic of the house, Ruby was slowly waking up. Her head was dizzy and she could barely see but, she was able to make out the sounds of the fight downstairs and the sound of two voices talking.

"She's waking up." One of the voices said.

Ruby groaned and looked around trying to see something but, the only thing she could make out was a yellow, orange and blue spott levitating in the air. She tried to move but her limbs were stuck against her body. She tried to talk but, her mouth didn't move.

"Darcy's spell really damaged her." The second voice said and one of the two owners of the voices moved her hair from her face, making Ruby flinch slightly by how cold the hand was.


Suddenly, everything came back to Ruby. Stella's weird behavior and sudden dissappearing. The weird man. Nut. And the Trix putting her to sleep.

She looked towards the person that was stroking her head and saw a light and dark blue spot close to her and behind that spot there was a fuscia one.

Icy and Stormy.

Ruby mindlessly leaned her head in Icy's cold touch while trying to understand what was going on better. The Ice Witch smirked and carressed her cheek gently, making the redhead's eyelids feel heavy again but, she fought not to close her eyes.

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