Chapter 19- Date?

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It's been a few weeks since the talk with the Trix and Ruby hasn't seen them since then. The fact that they haven't shown their faces yet was kind of worring her since they are so eager to get their paws on Stella's ring and on herself apparently.

Their conversation never left Ruby's mind and that's exactly what she was sharing with her therapist at that moment. Well, kind of.

"So there are these girls." Ruby started, now feeling more comfortable with the woman.

"Girls? Plural?" Dr. Wilson asked with her eybrows raised.

"Yeah but, it's not like that, kind of." Dr. Wilson chuckled.

"I'm afraid you'll have to explain it to me Ruby."

"They are... obssessed with me, to say the least."

"What kind of obssessed?" The doctor asked, worry splashed across her face.

Ruby hesitated, playing with her fingers mindlessly.

"The kind of obssessed where they wouldn't hurt me, I think but, they would definitly hurt, badly, someone that may get too comfortable with me. Some guy that touches me or a girl that gets too clingy and close to me."

"Ruby, in that case you should go to the authorities." Dr. Wilson advised.

"It's slightly complicated, Dr. Wilson."

"Do you like these girls."

Ruby shook her head.

"N-No, I mean... there's definitly some kind of attraction but, I can't, not yet." Ruby wasn't able to elaborate that sentence, being way too painful. She grabbed the elastic on her wrist and pulled it three times. Noticing the action, Dr. Wilson didn't push it

"I understand." She said and looked at Ruby's backpack. "Do you have your sketch book with you?" Ruby nodded. "May I see what you've been drawing." 

Ruby gulped but, handed Dr. Wilson the sketch book anyways. The first drawing was a representation of her conversations with doctor Wilson. The background was dark, Dr. Wilson had devil horns in her head and Ruby was crying in a corner.

"I can explain that."

"No need to, Ruby. I understand that you weren't very comfortable with me at the beggining. No need to feel bad about it. It's good that you put that feeling in paper." Ruby relaxed slightly.

The second drawing was the one of the Trix.

"Are these the girls?" Ruby nodded. "Why these colous?"

"They're the colours they're always dressed in." Dr. Wilson nodded.

"Interesting outfits." The doctor said with a laugh. Ruby smiled slightly.

"Didn't design them, they actually wear that."

"Oh, I like them, it's just unusual."

The third drawing was a drawing of Ruby's own arm, sliced in half form the wrist to the elbow, blood pouring to the sides. The inside of her arm was devided in two sections. In the smallest section there was Bloom and their parents smiling. In the biggest sections there was a car on fire at the bottom of a small mountain.

In the hand there was a circle. A frozen circle with lighting inside of it and a dark purple aura. The circle was away from everything. Away from the chaos, away from the blood, away from the pain. It was in peace.

The arm was surrounded by letters from another language that Ruby couldn't recognize.

"I-I don't... remember drawing that." Ruby said taking the book from the therapist's hands and looking at it.

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