Chapter 26- Voices in the flames

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They flew and flew throughout the school, not finding a way out or a different hallway from all the others, though Tecna always claimed they've never passed that hallway before, but, still they flew and flew and flew. The monster never gave up and was still chasing them, wanting to have a taste of their flesh.

"Let's try this." Stella said, ready to attack the monster.

"Watch out." Bloom yelled and they all stopped in front of a door that seemed locked. "A dead end."

"What should we do?" Stella asked in panic.

"We have no choice." Tecna said. "Let's take him on."

"Are we sure we don't have a choice?" Ruby asked but, nevertheless stood with them to attack it.

They've waited for a few seconds until they could see the monster from the end of the dark hallway, jumping towards them, since it didn't have legs to run on.

"Strike." Bloom shouted and they all blasted it at the same time.

It took more than one hit from each girl but, the monster exploded and died. Finally. Tecna protected them all from the explosion with a green shield she created at the last minute. Ruby looked at Bloom who was stunned at what they just did.

"Hey." Ruby said shaking Bloom to wake her up. "We have to go.

"We have a problem." Stella said pointing at the locked door. Tecna ran towards it and broke it open with her shoulder causing her to fall to the ground in the process. "Not anymore."

"Hell yeah, Tecna." Ruby said, liking what the pink haired fairy did there.

Inside the room there was a bunch of other books, scrolls and this time there were also ancient, probably magical, artifacts scattered around the floor, tables and also on top of each other.

"Where are we?" Flora asked.

"I've heard of places like this but, I never thought they really existed." Stella said. "Witches are really messy creatures. Instead of organizing a library, cataloging their stuff, they just chuck everything away like that."

"You are literally describing my person." Ruby joked.

"Well but, you're you." Stella said with a smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ruby asked not sure if she should feel ofended or not.

"What an eerie silence." Musa said. "I have a bad feeling." Musa gasped and shrieked a bit when she saw what seemed like a big cockroach.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Stella said while Musa hid behind her, shaking. "SUN SHOWER." There was a blinding light, just like the one of Stella's every spells, and when it dissipated some scrolls and books were on fire and so was the cockroach. Stella laughed proudly at her work but, quickly stopped when the fire rose.

"Thanks a lot Stella." Musa said sarcastically.

Ruby stepped back, now being the one shaking in fear. Tears ran down her face while she looked at the flames in horror. She pulled the elastic on her wrist many times and it didn't give her much relieve. What did stop her from harming herself was the fact that there were people around.

Bloom looked at her sister and quickly ran towards her grabbing her face to stop her from looking at the flames.

"Calm down, Bea. Everything will be ok, alright? The flames won't hurt you, I promise."

There was no use. Ruby was already breathing heavily and feeling dizzy, making her fall to the ground.

"What's wrong with her?" Musa asked approaching them but, still keeping an eye out to the flames.

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