Chapter 50- Robin

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We've all felt them right? Those butterflies in your stomach on your first day of school, flying around happily and leaving you with an underable stomach ache?.

Well, multiply that feeling by 100. That's how Ruby felt standing in the middle of the mental asylum's cafeteria all alone, wondering what to do. Say 'hi' to people? Sit alone? Cry? None of those options were any kind of appealing to the girl.

She reached out for her necklace and closed her fist around it, the feeling of the three gemstones on her palm bringing her calm.

"Are you going to fucking sit down or are you just going to stand there looking around like an idiot?" Said a Scottish woman from behind Ruby. The redhead turned around with a raised eyebrow upon seeing a tall, skinny white nurse with platinum blonde hair, who might be on her late forty's, standing there. "Ah, our most recent overdose lass. Don't think you're any special, there are so many crazy people here that couldn't handle life. You're just another amongst dozens."

"Ok?!" Ruby replied confused as to why she should feel any special about it.

The nurse didn't seem to be please with the weak response from her as she took a step forward closer to the patient.

"But, I must say, it is probably the first time I see someone who ODed because of a nightmare." She snorted and cackled like a cruel old hag. "Couldn't you have just gone to Mommy?"

"Nope, I was in a boarding school. But, don't worry." Ruby said also stepping closer with a dangerous look. "Next time I have a box of medicine in my hands and I feel like emptying it, I'll go straight to you and shove it down your throat instead of mine. I certaintly won't be a crazy person that can't handle life then."

Ruby stared at the scared woman emotionless before turning around and going away. The redhead has been bullied before. Mocked, beaten, shamed, you name it, she's been through it. People have done every type of cruel things to her and after all that, that woman's words were ineffective. In fact they bored her. That nurse bored her.

The redhead grabbed her breakfast from the grumpy women serving it and went to a table in a dark corner, away from everyone else, so she could be all alone with her thoughts and feelings.

Ruby sat down picking on her food, not really being hungry. She could only think about her friends, family, the Trix.

The three witches have been stuck on the fairy's mind every single second of every single hour of the past two days Ruby's been in recovery. She's been thinking of them much more. Desiring to see them. Wanting to talk to them. Needing to touch them. The redhead even tried to see if they had put some kind of spell on her necklace which made her want them more. Lets face it, that is something those three would do. However she didn't find anything unusual in it and made peace with the fact that she just missed them deeply.

Aren't I weird? Thanks to their nightmare I almost killed myself but, here I am. Adoring them.

Ruby toyed with the purple crystal of her necklace, imagining Darcy with a slight smile on her face. She was so distracted that she didn't even notice the presence in front of her until they waved their hand in front Ruby's face. The fairy flinched slightly in surprise and looked forward, seeing shiny and happy green eyes staring into her dull and sad brown ones.

"Hi, I'm Robin." They said.

They had blonde pixie styled hair, tan skin and bright green eyes. An happy pearly spread smile on those plump lips and they were leaning slightly forward with crossed arms resting on the table. To Ruby, Robin seemed way to happy to be in that psychiatric hospital.

"Ruby." She answered dryly.

"It's really nice to meet you." Robin said reaching out to shake Ruby's hand. Hesitantly the redhead grabbed the hand and shook it before pulling away. "So, why are you here?"

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