Chapter 43- Truth, please, be told

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"So, how were the interviews, Miss Bloom, our hero?" Ruby mocked eating an apple.

"Shut up, Ruby." Bloom laughed. "I wished you had come with us. I was getting a bit anxious in front of all those cameras."

"I'm sorry, Sis but, I've had enough cameras on my face and paparazzi following me around for a life time. That said..."

Ruby stood up from her seat on the table and closed the blinds of the room, having noticed a man who was trying to snuck a picture of both sisters through the window.

"Yes, I understand. It's very overwhelming. I don't understand how actors survive this." Bloom agreed with a huff.

"What about the shop?" Ruby asked sitting back down.

"Well, with the money I'll get from the insurance I'll be able to make the shop even bigger than it was." Vanessa replied.

"And we'll get the best alarm system money can buy." Mike added.

"I'm sure we will." Vanessa mocked.

"Hey, don't make fun of me. I worry about you."

"I know, I know." Vanessa laughed.

"Well, aren't you hungry?" Mike asked Bloom. "Remember, heroes have to eat too."

"Honey, is there something bothering you?" Vanessa asked, also noticing how quiet her oldest daughter was.

"Yes, mom." Bloom sighed. "There is something."

"What is it?" Ruby questioned.

"During the fire I had a sort of... vision." Bloom answered, standing up. "I saw you dad, saving two newborn babies from a fire."

Vanessa and Mike shared a worried look with each other, confusing the two sisters.

"What?" Ruby asked. "What is it? Don't you kind of do that every day?"

"Yes, Mike." Vanessa said as if she had read her husband's mind. "I think it's time we told them. They need to know."

"Know what?" Ruby and Bloom questioned simultaneously.

"The truth, girls." Mike replied. "Those babies you saw, Bloom, those babies were you two." Ruby stood up from her seat in shock. "16 years ago I saved you from a fire."

"A-A fire?" Bloom asked in horror. "But, how did we end up in a fire?"

"We have no idea, your father found you there."

"It was a true miracle, the flames were like keeping away from you." Mike told. "It was as if the fire respected you and protected you."

"The fire respected us?" Ruby asked with a scowl. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm not sure sweetie and I don't know how you got in that building you were all alone, just the two of you. And yet, Bloom you were so calm, holding your sister's hand to try to stop her from crying."

"We knew right then and there that you were very special children."

Neither of the sisters said a word. They just stood there staring at their parents with an ache in their heart that brought tears to their eyes.

"Then... this means..." Bloom said, not being able to bring herself to say it.

"That we're not your daughters." Ruby finished almost in a whisper.

Vanessa stood up and tried to hold the girls but, Bloom pushed her away gently, feeling betrayed.

"You adopted us." Bloom finally said. "Why didn't you ever tell us?"

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