Chapter 38- Daymare

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Bloom knocked on Headmistress Faragonda's office door and waited for a reply.

"I feel like I've been here way too many times." Ruby said right before Faragonda allowed them to get in.

"You've been in the Principal's office of our previous school much more times and for much worse reasons." Bloom reminded her opening the door and getting in along with her sister.

"Ah, girls please sit down." Faragonda said with a smile gesturing to the seats in front of her desk where the sisters sat down. "Do not worry, I won't ocupy your time much."

"Thank God, I have things to do." Ruby said taking out a glass water bottle from her backpack. "I need to stop buying these, they're fragile as fuck."

"Ruby." Bloom scolded.


"Alright now girls, listen to what I have to say." Miss Faragonda started. "I have thought of your request Bloom and my answer is yes. You may have a week of break to go to Earth with your family."

"Really?" Bloom asked with a big smile. "Oh, thank you, Headmistress Faragonda. It means the world to me."

"You're welcome dear. I see no reason to spare you of this."

"Not meaning to interrupt and definitly not complaining about a week of break but, why do we have it?" Ruby asked feeling like she had forgotten something.

"Why, Ruby, it's a special day for you on Earth." Miss Faragonda explained.

"A special day? What special day?" The redhead asked looking at her sister who suddenly was not as joyful. "Bloom?"

"Tomorrow is..." Bloom started but, hesitated, scared of her sister's reaction.

"Tomorrow's what?" Ruby insisted feeling a bit anxious.

"Tomorrow is... Christmas Eve." 

Ruby's eyes widened and became red, her pupils becoming smaller. Suddenly the bottle in her hand broke, cutting her hand in severall cuts. She forgot her gloves that day but, at least now she would have an excuse for the huge cut. Miss Faragonda quickly stood up and grabbed Ruby's hands to inspect them. The redhead, however, didn't seem to even notice a thing, she didn't even feel it. The only thing she felt was her chest tightning and her eyes swealling up with tears.

"Ruby, dear are you alright?" Miss Faragonda asked oblivious of what was going on.

"I'm staying at Alfea." Ruby said pulling her hands away from the Headmistress' and standing up to get out of the office.

"Bea, wait." Bloom called but, her younger sister didn't listen and went away. "I'm sorry, Miss Faragonda. I'll talk to her." The oldest fairy ran out of the office to look for her sister and she found her in a corner of an empty hall alone and crying. "Ruby." Bloom walked towards her sister and pulled her against her, letting the redhead sob on her shoulder as much as she wanted.

"I don't want to go." Ruby said.

"I know, Bea. I know but, mom and dad would be so sad if you didn't come. It's not Christmas without you."

"I don't care about Christmas."

"But, you do care about mom and dad, don't you?" Ruby nodded. "I promise you we won't have a big celebration just... come light the tree and put the star on top. I know how much you love to do it." The goth fairy smiled softly in her sister's embrace. "And we'll open some presents and have a nice little dinner just the four of us, ok."

Ruby sniffled and pulled away from her sister. Her eyes were red and puffy and her mascara was ruined but, the redhead still gave her a comforting smile. However, Bloom could see it was fake.

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