Chapter 6- Magix

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They walked through several endless hallways until they stopped at a double door with a flyer with names written on it.

"Hey, look." Stella said, pointing at the flyer. "We're in the same apartment, cool." They entered the apartment and were welcome by a beautiful living room surrounded by three doors that had other flyers in them that, probably led to their rooms. "That's my room over there. The same one I had last year."

"You've got a room all to yourself?" Bloom asked in disbelief.

"Lucky girl." Ruby mumbled to herself. She hated sharing a room with anyone. "We've got a roommate." She said, noticing a flyer in a door with three names. Hers, her sister's and some girl named Flora.

Why don't I just share Stella's room? I don't want to share at all but, two girls in a room? Even though one of them is my sister? No thank you.

The two sisters entered the room and Ruby threw her backpack into a bed that she thought was comfortable. All of a sudden, Bloom stepped in some kind of plant and it screamed loudly. The girls yelled and flinched away from the plant.

"Oh, sorry." Bloom apologized.

"Apologizing to a plant? Wow this went to a next level of weird." Ruby mumbled to herself.

A cute girl, with long light brown hair, approached them and the whimpering plant.

"No, excuse me." The girl, who's probably Flora, said with a sweet voice. "I just got here and, uh, I left my things all over the floor." Ruby noticed from the corner of her eye, Stella and Kiko entering the room. "This is a talking plant one of my creations. My name is Flora." Suddenly the plant fell to the floor and its vase broke. Flora looked at it with lots of sorrow and pity.

"Uh, well my name's Bloom and..."

"Ahem. Bloom?" Stella said, warning her.

"Oh, uh, I mean. Bloom is a name I like a lot but, it's not my name." Ruby rolled her eyes at her sister lack of experience in lying. She spared a quick glance at the names in the door and casually moved forward.

"I am Veronica of Calisto and this is my sister, Varanda of Calisto. She always wished to be called Bloom but, our parents stuck her with that." Ruby told Flora, who seemed to buy it.

"Yeah, that's it." Bloom started to step away from the room but, a voice from behind her stopped her in her tracks.

"Calisto?" A pink haired girl with a pixie cut, asked behind Bloom. "Fourth world of magic realm, upper ring? Wow, that's quite a way away. Hi my name's Tecna."

"Hi, Tecna my name's Stella." She said approaching the girl, followed by Ruby and Flora.

"Hey, I've heard about you." Tecna said.

"Me too." A voice agreed. Everyone looked at the door of the apartment where a dark blue haired girl with two buns. "By the way, before you blow up your room, give us time to duck and cover, ok?"

Everyone, except for Stella and Ruby , laughed.

"Oh, it was just an accident if you really want to know." Stella defended with a pout.

"And accident that got you expelled." Tecna clarified. "How did you manage to get readmitted?"

"Well, the truth is that they couldn't do without someone as gorgeous as me." Ruby rolled her eyes, with a small smile playing on her lips.

Out of nowhere, they heard a scream that Bloom and Ruby immediately recognized as Kiko's. And there he was, hanging upside down by the talking plant.

"Put him down, right away." Flora scolded it.

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