Chapter 45- Truth hurts, but not that much

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Ruby sat down at her desk on metamorphosis class waiting for Professor Wizgiz as her mind raced with worry. Her leg bounced up and down rapidly and she started chewing on her nails, something she hasn't done in years. She couldn't stop thinking negatively about Stormy. She thought it was all a trick. She thought the other two would appear as well and rip her power right out of her chest for whatever reason. The last few months were already being hard enough for her, a full heart break was the last thing she needed.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her thigh, making her flinch and look to the side, seeing Flora there with a worried expression.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" The plant fairy asked. "Professor Wizgiz has been calling you."

Ruby looked around and indeed saw the small Professor staring at her with the same worried expression as Flora's. She hadn't even noticed him entering the class.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't listening." The redhead said softly, straightening herself in the chair.

"Well, I was asking you, what do you believe to be the most important trait in a fairy?" Wizgiz asked calmly.

"Well, uh..."

"Kindness, obviously." Ebony said from behind Ruby, cutting her off.

"That's a good guess, miss Ebony but, I'm afraid not." Professor Wizgiz said. "Now please, Ruby, I want you and no one else to answer. What do you believe makes a fairy, a fairy?"

Ruby thought for a few moments. She thought of her sister and what she usually is like. Cheerful, kind, happy, bright, clever. But, almost every one of those were synonyms of what Ebony said, so it couldn't be the answer. Her friends were all the same as well and they were true fairies. What else could make a fairy?

"Look withing yourself, Ruby." Wizgiz said after a while of silence. "Don't think of the others, think of you. What do you believe could make you a fairy?"

Ruby took a deep breath and searched very deep inside herself. What made her who she is?

"Honor." Ruby finally said, confusing most people. "A fairy does what she has to do but, they also do what's right. They also are true to themselves. A true fairy resists to the biggest temptations, because they know it's the right, and honorable, thing to do."

The class went dead silence and Ruby started to doubt her choice of words and a wave of anxiety hit her hard. But, then the Professor's face brightened up with the biggest smile ever and he clapped.

"Very, very well done, Ruby. That's exactly it." He said, making Ruby blush slightly.

Her friends started cheering on her, followed by almost the whole class, making her wish the Earth would just swallow her whole but, nevertheless, she smiled and blushed.

"A fairy's true purpose isn't only to help but, to do what she believes and stand by it. Honor, as you said, Ruby." The Professor sat down on the edge of his desk and crossed his legs. "That said, I've prepared a pop quiz for tomorrow."

The whole class errupted in groans and whines and complains from every girl there. They started booing at the professor and someone threw a paper at him.

"Come on girls, don't take it like that." Wizgiz said, trying to reason with them. "It's just a little quiz."

"Yes but, it's a little pop quiz." Stella complained, standing up from her seat, angrily. "And I just think it's not fair." She sat back down to sulk.

"The quiz is on things you should have been reviewing for some time already."

"You teachers always use that excuse to give us tons of homework." Ebony argued.

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