Chapter 62- Home

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As they rode fast towards the school of fairies, growls and roars could be heard from behind them embedded with the sound of thunder.

"We shouldn't be too far from Alfea now, girls." Sky announced, raising his voice so he could be heard over the sound of the bike's engine.

"Can't wait." Ruby mumbled sarcastically.

As they took a turn on the road, a group of giants emerged from the trees and blocked their way, forcing Sky to come to a stop.

"There's something in our way." The blonde Specialist said.

"Yeah, a bunch of disgusting centipede giants." Ruby told him matter-of-factly.

Bloom screamed, noticing a few centipeded crawling up her leg.

"Yuck, Sky they're all over me." She cried.

"Get them off, I don't want them on me." Ruby shouted trying to get as far from her sister as the bike let her.

"Do something, please." Bloom begged Sky as he rode away from the monsters.

"A sudden acceleration might make them lose their grip, hang on tight, both of you." The Specialist said, accelerating until maximum speed.

The bugs released Bloom and some hit Ruby's face making her scream and accidentally lose her grip on her sister's waist. Suddenly a few lightnings stroke really close of the bike causing Sky to lose control of it.

"Sky what's going on?" Bloom asked as her sister tried to shake off the little creatures off her body.

"I don't know,  I don't understand." 

"We've been hit you idiots." Ruby shrieked, panicked tears filling her eyes.

The Blonde Specialist soon completely lost control of the bike and it got off the road. In fact, it got off the ground. The bike slid off the dirt and fell down a cliff.

Ruby, who just finished getting rid fo the disgusting bugs, didn't have time to hold on to Bloom. As they were falling, she lost balance and fell off the vehicle. Bloom yelled out for her sister as they hit the ground, unharmed and safe.

"Phew, that was close." Sky said, relieved. "Are you alright, Bloom?"

"I am but, Ruby's not. She fell of the bike." She answered, getting off the Space Spider and running back to where her sister fell. "Ruby? Where are you."

"In here, Bloom." Sky called out.

The redhead immediately ran that direction and saw Sky kneeling next to her sister, who was lying next to a tree unconscious and wearing normal clothes instead of the biker suit.

"Ruby." She called, running towards them and kneeling down next to the blonde Specialist. "Did she hit that tree?"

"I think so, yes." Sky answered pointing up to a few broken branches. "She's breathing though but, her leg's broken, her shoulder's displaced and I also think she might've broken a few ribs. Or maybe her spine."

"What? Well she needs to get bandaged up."

"I don't have any medical supplies here, Bloom." Sky said calmly to not trigger the panicked redhead. "For now we should try to get her bones back in place."

"How do we do that?"

"I only know how to fix her leg and shoulder."

"Ok, do it. We have to get to Alfea quickly and heal her there."

Sky nodded and with one swift movement put Ruby's right leg back in place with a loud snap and then her shoulder. The girl grimaced in her unconscious state, but didn't wake up. The Specialist made an improvised splint using paper towels he had with him and two small branches from a tree.

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