Chapter 27- Cleaning day

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Ruby sat in her bed in her room alone playing with the red energy in her fingers trying to understand why Miss Faragonda hadn't taken her powers away.

But she did, she thought, I did feel something leave me and I saw it leave but, she didn't take all of it for some reason?! Why?

Suddenly the door opened and Ruby flinched putting her arm behind her back.

"Ruby, Griselda called us to her office, she wants to have a talk with us." Tecna said standing at the door.

"Yeah, I'm coming, Geek."

"Geek? What's that?" Tecna asked when Ruby approached her.

"It's a person who is knowledgeable and obsessively interested in a particular subject. In your case it's computers." 

Tecna laughed in a way that sounded like she was a robot.

"That's funny, I like it."

How is it funny?

The readhead stood up from her bed and Tecna helped her walk.

The day before Ruby arrived fake limping and told them that the nurse gave her something that made her feel much better and that her ribs weren't broken yet. Everyone believed it immediately and sighed. She just had to pretend for the rest of the day and everything would be fine. No one would find out that she still had her powers, even though Headmistress Faragonda supposedly took them.

In the living room there stood the girls that were waiting for them and as soon as they got out of Ruby's room they headed towards Griselda's office.

"What do you think she wants now?" Stella asked.

"It's obviously something about our visit to Cloud Tower." Musa said.

"God that woman's so annoying." Ruby said rolling her eyes.

"Ruby, don't say that. She's just doing her job." Bloom said making Ruby roll her eyes again.

"Yeah, well, she doesn't need to be a complete pain in the ass while doing so."

When they entered Griselda's office the woman looked up from her work and sent the group of girls her usual cold and stern stare.

"I see you feel better Ruby. Good." The woman said when the group of girls approached her. "Now, to what really matters. Your intrusion into Cloud Tower Castle was extremely rude, young ladies. You exposed yourselves to great danger, that's why your powers have been revoked, it is sufficient punishment." Griselda stood up from her chair and went around the table until she was in front of them. "For me, however, sufficient is not enough. Now, just so you remember this lesson you will spend the entire day at school and you will clean the castle from top to bottom."

"Um, the whole castle?" Flora asked not believing for it to be posible in one day.

"No, just the stairs, corridors, classrooms and bathrooms." Griselda said.

"Oh well then, that's ok." Stella said sarcastically. "I thought it would be worse honestly."

Griselda clapped her hands and a bunch of cleaning material appeared in the room.

"And since you don't have access to your magic power for the moment." Griselda picked up a mop and gave it to Stella. "These will be your work tools."

Ruby smirked at Stella's shocked face while looking at the mop in her hands. She was almost certain that the blonde had no idea what that in her hands was.

"What a strange object." Tecna said, surprising Ruby. "Let's see what my computer has to say about it." She took a very small computer from her pocket and started typing in it before Griselda closed it in her hand.

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