Chapter 40- Tears and laughter

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Ruby walked through the white side walk. She found some people on her way to... wherever she was going, and they all looked surprised to see her at that day but, some found it amusing.

"Going to bury a body, freak?" Someone asked making her friends laugh. 

Unluckly for them, Ruby was in a very bad mood that day. She turned around to look at the girl in the eyes.

"Yes, care to volunteer as the body?" Ruby threatened, which startled and shocked the girl deeply. The redhead never had a comeback so she was left speechless. Ruby stepped forward with a dangerous look on her face which made a few kids scootch away. "I think I will take your silence as a yes."

They all ran away from there terrified. That was a side of Ruby they have never seen and they didn't like it. The goth fairy smirked victoriously kind of wishing they hadn't run so that she could fulfill her threat.

She turned on her heels and continued walking through the streets of Gardenia as fast as she could since she could feel somebody watching her.

Ruby found herself at the gates of Gardenia's graveyard. She took a deep breath and got in. She walked through the severall gravestones of the place reading dozens of unknown names until she found the ones she wanted. The redhead kneeled down on the cold ground, feeling the snow melt on her jeans but, she couldn't care less, she was focused on the names in the stones next to each other.

Emily Cooper and Amanda Bailey.

She let more tears fall down her cheeks while feeling her chest tighten once again. She reached to touch Emily's gravestone but, suddenly a snowball hit her in the face almost making her fall down. She looked to the side and saw a group of two boys and three girls, one of them being Mitzi, laughing at her while one of the boys launched another snowball at Ruby which she easily dodged.

"How dare you being here, witch?" Mitzi asked approaching her along with her friends. "Only family and friends can visit them. You know people that care for them."

"Which is exactly why no one will ever visit your grave, Mitzi." Ruby fired back shocking them. The fairy truly wasn't someone to stand up to bullies.

"How dare you, ugly witch?" One of Mitzi's girl friends asked.

"You should be the one on therapy, you're talking to yourself, dear." Ruby said her eyes never leaving the gravestone to show them they weren't worth her atention.

"Look at us when speaking." One of the boys said and tried to grab Ruby by the hair to make her look at them but, she was faster.

She grabbed his wrist so hard that it broke in her hand. The girls shrieked terrified and the boy screamed in pain while falling to one knee. Ruby still didn't spare a glance.

"Listen to my words and listen very carefully." The redhead said tightening her grip on his wrist. "I am not scared of any of you, do you want to know why? Because, unlike you, I've grown and your insults don't get to me anymore. I'm stronger than you physically and mentally. Shocking, I know but, the truth." Ruby said, breaking his other wrist with her other hand since he tried to punch her. "Leave me the fuck alone or else they won't be the one only ones burried 6 feet under. Do you understand?" They all nodded frightened and Ruby didn't need to look to know they did so. "Good. Now, go away." She said letting go of the boy's wrists.

Ruby released a breath she was holding along with tears as soon as they ran away. Their insults did get to her in a different way. It wasn't the insults such as 'witch', 'freak', 'bitch', she could care less about that but, what really got to her was that they all blamed her for what happened. And maybe it was her fault.

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