The Vibrance Within Us (Part One)

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This a requested one shot from PlayLifeAsAVideoGame! I'm happy someone finally requested a one shot, i was starting to get worried.

anyway, i hope you enjoy this and don't forget...


love youuuu.


(Raven's POV)

Emma began to shout and scream with excitement, "We're leaving in five minutes! Raven, we're leaving in five minutes!"

I laughed at her, "Yes, Emma, I understand that, now go and pee before we leave."

Luckily for us, we only lived half an hour away from the renowned music venue where Jesse Cale was playing.

While Emma was in the bathroom, I slowly traced the tips of my fingers over Jesse's hair on the poster of him above my bed. I placed a peck on his lips before grinning with joy. To just imagine I'm seeing him perform in an hour (after the support bands, unfortunately). I stroked his face lovingly, my one and only...

"Come on, Raven! We're going to miss the show!" Emma jumped up and down like a kangaroo on my bouncy bed, completely disshevelling my sheets.

I frowned but ignored it nonetheless. I grabbed my handbag and we exited the house, all buzzed up and beaming with happiness.

"My heart is racing!" I joked to Emma, before starting the car and turning out of the drive in a haste.

She shoved Jesse Cale's CD Shooting Star into the CD player and flipped a few songs forward to our favourite song. We instantly joined in with Jesse's dream like voice and lost ourselves in the music.

Within twenty minutes, we had arrived at the bustling stadium. Men, women and the inbetweeners entering a couple of double doors.

Adrenalin built up within me immediately and I felt the pang in my chest of love for him. Wow. I would be breathing the same air as him in less than an hour. I squeaked and Emma joined in. I parked the car in a random spot and we both sprang out like springs ready to burst.

We ran at full speed to the double doors where we instantly got held up. Something yellow caught my attention out the corner of my eye. I felt a nudge in my rib.

It was Emma, "Look, Raven, Look! He's selling VIP tickets for just over a hundred pound, that's got to be good,"

I grinned at her ,"Save me a spot!"

I squeezed past some people to get to the man advertising VIP tickets. I took one hundred pound from my purse and held it out to him.

He smirked and ripped off a ticket for me, "Enjoy!"

I grinned in reply and returned to my spot with Emma, waiting in line.

After a short while, we found ourselves sitting in front row seats listening to the unknown tunes of a support band. We bobbed our heads along and sipped on some beer. Attending concerts is totally underrated.

There were a couple of pushes and shoves here and there but we figured out how to battle them.

Push back!

We laughed loudly and sang the newly learned choruses of some songs written by the support groups.

Then the crowd quietened and we saw a few flickers of movements from the curtain. This was it. After six months of pure agony, awaiting his arrival to our local stadium, he was finally here.

My breath was taken away when he came strutting out, a guitar hanging casually from his shoulder. Emma was subconciously hitting me, screaming, jumping up and down repeatedly. I almost fainted when he waved to us.

He was gorgeously dressed in a tight, bright purple button up shirt with tight, tight, tight black skinny jeans which hugged his arse impeccably.

He began speaking in the microphone, "Well, good evening ladies and gentlemen."

His smirk was evident while he shook his long, dirty blond hair up more. My mouth honestly watered a ridiculous amount. All m insides went funny and my knees felt weird.

How can a boy do this to you?!

Soon afterwards, he began to sing slowly and teasingly. The crowd would joined in on words that he missed and screamed his name repeatedly.

"Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!" Was all I heard behind me. I turned and saw a bunch of thirteen year olds with beer bottles.

What on earth?

I shook my head and carried on singing along happily with Jesse Cale.

I guessed the girls finally grabbed his attention and his head turned towards me, I felt so light headed.

Suddenly, our eyes locked and I felt something between us click. Something completely inexplicable but I knew he felt it too. My heart fluttered crazily as I tried to steady my breathing, something just happened. I knew it. He knew it.

Nevertheless, he carried on singing and entertaining the large, buzzing crowd with his songs and help from his backing players.

It was fair to say that Emma and I were truly enjoying this once in a lifetime experience.

Well, I hope you enjoyed part one! <3

Part two will come soon <3


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