Everything His Brother Ever Witnessed (Part Two)

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Harry's Memory

Action Two Witnessed By Harry

Sunday night, I tippy-toed in the front door, realising my mother nor father were at home. But Oliver was and it was undoubtedly predictable that he'd invite Connor over. I loved the thought that he was the one that he turned when feeling lonely, deserted or down. The reliability was sky high and I don't think that anything or anyone could dent that. 

Love was overly abundant in their undercover relationship. It was undercover, yet it was singing in everyone's ears. It was as as conspicuous as the sun in the morning. It wasn't that they made sure that no one witnessed them kissing, but it's just they didn't kiss in general as often as other couples.

Well now, you're probably thinking, "Well then they're not dating."? Wrong. It wasn't lust that engulfed the two of them, it was pure, passionate and true love. 

I opened the living room door slowly, jaw hitting the floor when I saw what was infront of me. Not only had it been a shock because everything I said previously flew out the window, but a relief that is was actually happening. They both turned their heads to me in a rapid fashion while I slammed the door shut infront of me. I ran down the hall, into my bedroom and decided it was best to leave them alone, doing whatever makes them happy. 

They had been kissing passionately, freely and slowly. I have never seen Oliver looking so relaxed before. Connor ontop of Oliver, their hands lovingly roaming eachother. It wasn't a dirty, pornographic or disgusting sight at all. It looked like a married couple who wanted to cherish the moment of feeling comfortable to go far enough without anyone watching. They probably never anticipated my arrival. 

I felt sorry for them, my brother probably thought I hated him and wanted to kill him for being a homosexual. But really, I just wanted to shout it out to everyone how happy I was that they found eachother in the midst of a generation completely against it. 

After a few minutes of humming and reading on my bed, there were two knocks on my bedroom door. I rolled my eyes at my brother's hesitant and nervous motions. I guess he was expecting the worst. 

"Come in." I called out, trying to sound as positive as possible. 

But who I least expected to come in, did come in. Connor. He looked tired and under pressure. I smiled at him and moved my lanky legs aside for him to sit down. He took the opportunity and stared at me, lips set in a wrinkled and twisted line. 

We awkwardly both went to speak but both stopped. Before he could say anything else, I continued, "I really don't care that my brother and you are together, I'm happy for you." 

A frown formed on his forehead, eyeing me cautiously. "No, it isn't a trick. I really am happy for you two and anyway, it's so obvious." 

His shoulders slumped and without another word, he leaned in and hugged me. I was touched by this, he must have been expecting a gay bashing. 

"I'll eh, I'll send Olli i- Oliver in." He cringed at the short name for my brother and I laughed out loud. 

"Does he let you call him Olli?" I gaped. 

He nodded and smiled. 

"He doesn't let me." I chuckled and watched the door shut. 

I'd love to have that guy as a brother in law. Best ever.

A few seconds later there was another knock. "Come in." 

My brother slowly came in a closed the door quietly behind him. 

"Connor told me you were okay with it." He mumbled, overly embarrassed.

"Olli! Come here!" I laughed and held my arms open.

"I told you not to call me that!" He protested with wide eyes, taking comfort in my arms.

"How come Connor's allowed then?!" I feigned crying noises and he looked awkward. 

"I knew anyway." I whispered, looking at him with stern eyes.

"What? How?" 

"I saw you kiss before and it's just so obvious." I shrugged and patted his back.

His face coloured in pink, "Why didn't you say anything?" 

"It wasn't my place to intrude and I know how happy you are with him." I smiled sincerely. 

He nodded and we hugged again. I banged my fist against my chest twice before extending my arm, along with my index and middle finger in a ghetto like fashion. 

He copied it and walked out, leaving me smiling helplessly. 

:) <3  tell me what you think! xx

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