My Night Alone With My Stepfather (Part Four)

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Will's Point Of View

Hallowe'en was definitely my most treasured period of the year. I just adored the whole atmosphere that went with it, the horror, the feeling that everyone is celebrating the same event as you are. I loved to see the children run round in costumes, but obviously I wouldn't get to see that this year being locked away in Cambridge. 

Luckily for me though, Matt and my mother were travelling down to see me, unlike many students. I sat in my dorm, waiting and waiting for the arrival of my one true love, and my mother of course. 

"You look anxious, what's up?" asked Clive, my roommate. His eye brows furrowed together in anticipation for my answer. 

He didn't know about Matt, nobody did. I couldn't chance that.

"Just waiting to see my family." I awkwardly smiled. 

"And now the truth?" He chuckled, lying with his back against the headboard. He had a Chemistry book on his lap and his glasses settling below eye level. 

"Somebody I love very much is visiting me." I reluctantly mumbled. 

"Oooh, a partner?" He grinned, turning his gaze to me. Now, he's intrigued. 

"Something like that." I frowned, I wanted to put him off as much as possible. This isn't a subject I can bare to think of myself. I always tend to block it from my thoughts when it arises. 

"So, tell me, what's he like?" 

I snapped my head to him, wondering why exactly he used 'he' instead of 'she'. "What do you mean 'he'?" I glared. 

"C'mon, it's not rocket science." He scoffed, pushing his glasses up. 

"It's not your business, either." I blurted, storming into the bathroom. I sprayed myself with some deodrant and messed my hair up a bit. 

"It's clearly something that bothers you and considering we're going to be sharing a room for two years, I suggest you start to open up on some parts of your life because it's just going to get harder for you if you don't." Clive announced. I knew he's a decent and trust-worthy guy but this isn't something I want to share with people. 

I sat on the edge of his bed and eyed him closely. "I will tell you after I see them today, okay?" I whispered. 

He nodded and grinned. 

I trotted down the many staircases in order to step on the ground floor. I walked through the double doors and instantly felt the sharp, ice cold breeze. I noticed a familiar figure in the distance walking togethers me. 

My mother. Where is Matt?

I ran up to her and hugged her, she began crying lightly and patted my shoulders, "Where is Matt?" I frowned. 

"He's just getting something from the car," She smiled and before she could reply I proposed that she should go onto the cafeteria. 

I started to jog until I found our car and a tall, handsome figurine messing about in the boot. I glanced over my shoulder to see if anyone was coming or if my mother was around before sneaking up behind Matt and sliding my arms around his perfect waist. 

"Hey." He murmured, looking the same direction I had just seconds prior.

I kissed his neck and tucked my head into his warm scarf, "I've missed you." 

He chuckled and turned around, "We should go in, it's freezing out here and you're in a shirt." 

I groaned and followed him in, eyeing his devine body. I don't think it could get any more flawless if he tried. I slapped his butt quickly before sprinting in doors. We found my mother sitting at a table, sipping black coffee. I jumped into a seat, frightening her and Matt sat beside her. 

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