Cameron & Chace (Part One)

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(Part One)


"I'm going to bed, guys. Goodnight Cameron, and goodnight to you, Chace," Lilly said, placing a peck on Chace's thin lips. 

As soon as she left the room, I scrambled to the front of Chace's television and plugged in the Xbox 360, and grabbed two controllers. I threw one at Chace and grinned, he returned it with a knowing smile. 

"Fifa?" He asked, raising his eyesbrows.

"Fifa." I smiled. 

After twenty-one years and our friendship is still as strong as ever. We've known each other all of our life, literally. Chace being older than me by two months, always holds that over me. Like it matters? 

I opted to sit beside Chace in order to have a better view of the television. We started playing Fifa and after an hour or so, Chace spoke,

"Hey, Cam, I'm a bit confused.."

"About what?" I smiled, trying to score a goal. 

"Um, you won't like stop being friends with me, if I tell you this, right.." He mumbled, his thumbs coming to a stop on his controller. 

I looked up at him and noticed worry in his eyes, he continued staring ahead. His blond, spiky hair sat perfectly. He didn't need gel, it just sat like that anyway. I pressed pause on the game. This seemed important.

"No, I won't. What is it, Chace?" I frowned. Now, I'm getting nervous. 

"I've been like.. ugh, don't get me wrong, I love Lily to pieces.. but not the way I should.." He whispered, glancing my way. 

"So, you've more or less fallen out of love with her?" I said, summing it up in one. He always did over react, even for the older one. 

"No. I've just realized... I've never loved her like I should do.. I don't look at her in the right way, man," He whispered, again. I put the controller down on the table.

"Soo.." I shook my head, "Are you going somewhere further with this? Because if you are, just spit it out man," I added, watching him as he leaned his elbows on his knees.

He sat back and looked me in the eye, "I think I.. I think I like boys, Cameron." He choked, looking straight at me once again. "Like.. gay.."

I have to admit, I was shocked to hear that. I was expecting something completely different. He must be serious, he used my full name. 

"Say something," He panicked, looking all over my face for some sort of rejection. I pulled him into my arms and held him there for a few minutes.

"It's okay, I don't care," I laughed. 

"Are you sure?" He eyed me.

"Yes, positive." I smiled.

".. Cam.. You're gay, too?!" He gaped at me. 

".. No?" I frowned, what made him think that?

"You are."


"Yes, you are."

"I'm not gay, Chace. I don't know what's give you that idea."

"The way you accepted me so easily, you are gay."


And with that, he placed his masculine, veiny hand on my knee. I didn't flinch, because we always touched each other. Hugging, wrestling, tickling, boxing, you name it. He started sliding his hand further up my leg, to my thigh. 

"Whoa, man. I'm not gay," I clearly stated, placing my hand on his to cease movement. 

"You're really not gay?" He smirked. Why is he smirking? 

"No. I like girls, you know that." I said, slowly. 

"So, if I kissed you, you'd push me back?"

"If you kissed me, it'd mess up our friendship, Chace." I remarked, eyeing him carefully. 

"We've known each other forever, we'd get over it."

"Maybe, probably." 

"So, if I kiss you, you will push me back?" 

"Obviously. Chace, where are you g-"

And with that, his fine, thin lips cut me off. The softness satisfied something within me. I froze but when his lips softened and started to move, I knew any chance of me pushing him off was gone. 

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