The Steamy School Reunion (Part Two)

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(Elliot's Point Of View) 

After twenty years, the softness of Rick's lips never cease to excite me. I ran my finger's all along his  strong jaw while his moist tongue entered my mouth. I couldn't help but moan into him. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away, looking at the floor with one hand in his pocket. I watched him with wide eyes as he started to laugh hysterically. I couldn't quite make out what exactly he was doing, my vision was a bit blurry and the drumming sound of my heart pulsating through my body was completely distracting. His repititive laugh echoed in the empty and dark classroom, there was no doubt about it that I was ecstatic to see him again. 

"You're here!" He laughed, scratching his neck in shock and utter surprise. 

"Um.." I frowned, why is he acting like this? 

Before I could ask, his lips were back on mine and his hands were roaming my chest, head and butt. Oh the feel of him was so comforting. I pulled away from him, panting, "Why are you acting like this? All mental and la-"

"Because after twenty years and not being able to track you down... I'm just so pleased that you made it here. If you didn't turn up, I would have completely given up, this was the last thread. Oh, God, you're here, you're infront me, breathing, smiling. I never stopped tasting you in my mouth, feeling you in my dreams, talking to you in my head. I never stopped loving you, Elliot. I've tried, I've really fucking tried. I met girls in pubs and restaurants, but they were so boring and depressing. I met some guys who were good looking but they didn't have the spark that you had. It was always you." Rick breathed out, hands flying around to try and create a more fuller meaning.

I stood there, speechless in front of him. I was schocked by his proclamation and his balls to admit it all. Although, he was always the one to have more of a gut to push himself. Anyway, back to the main point. I'm married. I'm going to let him down and he'll be more devasted and gutted than he was last time. I didn't know whether to talk or walk away. I wasn't sure of my feelings for him and if they have bubbled away or boiled back up. I had strong feelings for Susannah, but even now I have to admit, it was nothing compared to what streamed through my veins for Rick. 

"El, say something." He murmured, expecting something large and breath taking. 

"I don't know." I muttered, looking away from him. 

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?" He questioned, looking startled.

"Rick, it was twenty years ago.. I forgot about you and got married.. What am I meant to say?" I whispered, frowning in apology. 

His face expression dropped to a cold, deathly form. My heart broke when I realized he really did and still does love me. 

"Okay." He choked and walked towards the door. "Goodbye, Elliot."

I didn't say anything but followed him outside of the classroom. I stood leaning against the wall as I watched him stroll down the hallway, into the darkness. 

That's when I woke up and reality hit me. 

This is Rick. My love. My love that dominated my mind for my lifetime. My love that I just knew I could never stop loving. 

"Wait!" I shouted at the top of my voice, scrutinizing the hollow darkness, but there was nothing, absolutely nothing.

So, I started running, sprinting. He can't have gone too far. I was immediately swallowed up by the space like area. Where am I? 

"Rick!" I called out again, but nothing. My screams were just echoed, just like they were for the past two decades. 

I continued to jog, and was soon met with lights and double doors. I looked through the glass of the doors and noticed the familiar body striding down the path. I pulled the doors open frantically and grabbed his shoulders, spinning him around. 

"I love you." I confessed.

His comforting arms encircled my waist as our lips met. My hair began to get soaked as the rain bucketed it down. Our lips moved in flawless sync as I pulled him in deeper by the neck. He groaned and began to trail kisses from my ear to the collar of my shirt, "Fuck," he panted. 

"Elliot..." Susannah whispered, standing frozen.

"I'm really sorry." I mumbled, tears falling from my eyes. 

"Why?" She whispered, in a pleading tone. 

My dinner jacket and blouse were soaked through completely and water was dripping from the thick jet black locks of my hair. Susannah's makeup was streaming and her hair was already flattened by the rain. The rain was so heavy, I could hardly make her out. I slipped my wedding ring off easily due to the wetness and held it out to her, "I'm so sorry." 

"Elliot!" She wailed, screaming as I began striding down the gravelled path. Her screams penetrated my heart. 

"I love you! Don't leave me please!" She begged, running after me. 

I carried on walking but quickened my pace. Rick had disappeared and it wasn't something to bother betting on that we'd end up back together. 

"Elliot, please! Elliot!" Susannah cried, pulling on my arm but I snatched it back and began sprinting. 

I could feel my feet in my shoes almost swimming with the wetness. My socks were drenched and my feet felt like ice blocks. I can't walk on much more, and I'm not taking our car. That would be selfish. I couldn't hear anymore cries or footsteps behind me so I slowed down, still watching the ground.

"El," Rick waved from the bottom of the path. How did he get there?

I ran into his arms and broke down. I poured myself into him, just letting myself go. Betraying my wife like that was so wrong, I could hardly put it together. I hated myself for it. She never deserved that, at all. 

Rick lifted my head with his index finger below my chin, and forced me to meet his eyes. As soon as I looked into those sea blue eyes, I just knew I had made the right decision. I couldn't leave him again, not ever. My lips met his for the fourth time tonight and I was brought back to heaven.

How I love you, Rick.


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