Jason & Daniel (Part Two)

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Part Two. 

"I hope I get this speech correct," I whispered, my insecurity on display big time, only to Daniel, though. 

"You will, my love," He positively grinned.

"I love you," I smirked, wanting to kiss him badly. 

"I love you too," Daniel smiled, his white, marble teeth on show. I'm a lucky lad to have Daniel, I really am.

"It almost looked like you two were flirting! Haha!" My homophobic best friend, Thomas, laughed.

"Maybe we were," I smirked. His face turned white immeditately, this will be a funny, funny day. 

"We came, saw, we killed the crowd!" I loudly sang in the hallway with Daniel. We were known as the two 'outgoing, mental, original weirdos' of the school, yet highly, highly respected. 

Everybody in the school packed the gym hall for the Principal's ceremony. I took my place in the first row due to my amazing speech. I watched the video the school's Transition Year had put together, and listened to all the other speeches held by the deputy principals and various students. 

"Now we give a warm welcome to the captin of our school's honourable football team, Jason Wolfe!" The woman applaused, grinning like a monkey.

I strutted to the podium in feigned confidence. I was nervous really. I placed my paper below the microphone. This was very scary, intimidating certainly. One thousand pairs eyes looking up at you, praying for you not to fuck up this moment. Then I settled my eyes on one particular person, Daniel. He smiled and stuck his thumbs up in encouragement. 

After about five minutes through my speech, I landed on the bit in which I was waiting for, yet dreading, "I would also like to add a special thanks to our Principal. He never encouraged homosexuality, yet he never turned it down. I find this to be a huge and risky step in a school, bullying, critism and what not can occur, so I just want to say if there are any gays in this school who are too afraid to come out, be yourself, come out when you're ready, if it's when you find the special 'one', then so be it, if it's right now on this podium well then come on up. Not until after me though, it's taken me two years to come to this point in my life, I mean, I never imagined it like this. I was straight until I met Daniel, then, he changed my life. I fell in love, and I can say that because we have remained in the closet for two years, and are still going strong. So yeah, I'd like to end this speech on a warm thank you and goodbye to Mr.Walsh, but also the fact that I have a boyfriend, and his name is Daniel Weller!" I laughed towards the end, punching a proud, successful fist in the air. 

I actually done it, I came out, finally. No more living a lie, hiding and hiding. I strutted back to my seat with real confidence, because, well, I was happy in myself, I felt completed. 

After about a minute of silence and shock people began to clap, and clap and clap, then they stood. I looked at Mr.Walsh, and seen a few tears cascade down his wrinkled cheek. 

Waltzing out of the hall after the bell rang, signalling the end of school, I made my way to Daniel. He was laughing furiously. I raised an eyebrow, "Was that not good enough for you?!" 

"It was better than I had ever imagined. I was not expecting that, Mr.Wolfe," He whispered, wiping the tears away from his eyes. I don't if they were a result from my speech or his laughing. 

"I love you," I stated, again.

"I love you, too." He replied against my lips. 

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