Paul & Graham (Part Two)

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Finally, it was Christmas. I sat some small tests just before I arrived back in London. I hope I get good marks, I mean I better. I studied a hell of a lot. 

Back in London, back with Graham and his family, for the first time since I moved out. Oh, the joys. After the last phone call from Graham, I heard nothing. He never messaged me on my phone or facebook. And that's exactly how I wanted it. I was doing fine without him, I learned to live emotionally independently. By the looks of it, so did he. I knew it wouldn't take him long to get over me, he was a player and that's his job still to this day. Hump and dump.

I parked my car outside their house and made my way to the door. Should I knock or walk straight in? Knock. So, I did. 

"Hey, Ryan!" Edward cheered, answering the front door. Edward was a nice guy, kept himself to himself but was all the more mental and practical than Graham. 

"Yo, bro!" I joked, giving him a small hug. I made my way in and hanged my coat up on the rack.

"How's Uni treating you?" Edward smiled, raising his eyebrows questioningly. I told him the usual and said all was good. 

Before I knew it, Kath came rushing down the hall, with a tea towel in her hand.

"Paul! How the hell are you? You haven't changed a bit! Did you just arrive?" She babbled on.

"Hey, yeah, I just got in this second. I'm good, how are you?" I asked. Wow, four hour drives really drain you.

She offered me a drink and I accepted happily. I was really thirsty and was beginning to wonder where Graham is. Has he arrived yet? Is he out? Does he have a girlfriend?

"Derek and Graham are playing the xbox in the living if you want to go in," Kath smiled. 

I opted not to, but instead to take my small suitcase from my car and some bags with presents in. I retrieved them and brought the presents inside. I took a deep breath. I wasn't prepared to see Graham and his big ego. God, no. I wanted rid of him, no matter how much I still loved him. I couldn't be done with his utter crap. I knew my heart would collapse if I saw him. I couldn't handle it, I couldn't handle him. My feelings would take over and after four months, it's hard not to kiss the person you love. I pushed the handle down, and walked in. 

His eyes shot to me, and wearily twitched. He was nervous. Oh my god. I should take advantage of this, definitely. I would if I was that type of person, but I'm not. I didn't smile at him, just flickered my eyes from him to the Christmas tree. I put the presents down and stood back up. I got Graham a hoodie. I couldn't not get him anything, could I? That would look awful and suspicious.

"Paul, heya! How're you? Did you just get here?" Derek questioned, grinning widely. I noticed they paused their game. Crap. I didn't want to start talking.

"Yeah, I just got here. I'm great, thanks. Edinburgh is a really relaxing place to live. How are you? Is everything okay here?" I asked, smiling. 

We chatted for a little bit before I went to the kitchen and got another drink. I had a talk with Edward about Uni and his life and what not. Graham hadn't changed much, his hair was a little longer but he also looked taller, great. I didn't really want to get into a conversation with him, but I was here for four days. So, that would be impossible. Christmas is tomorrow and I couldn't help but over hear Kath mentioning that Michael and Christina were meant to be joining us. They're Derek's brother and his wife. 

Derek walked into the room and sat opposite me at the table, "You'll have to sleep in Graham's bed because Michael and Christina are sleeping in the guest room, is that okay?" He smiled.

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