My Night Alone With My Stepfather (Part Five)

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Ten Years Later

Matt's Point Of View

"We need some carrots for the stew." Will mumbled, picking some long carrots up from the tub. 

"What stew?" I frowned, smiling. 

"We're having stew tonight." He said quietly like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No we're not." 

"Oh." He breathed, eyebrows sticking up, "Why is that?" 

"Because we're going out for dinner." I grinned, grabbing the carrots from him and putting them back.

"Are we?" He chuckled, shrugging happily. "Why is that?"

"You don't remember?" I smiled pleasantly, squeezing some bread and placing it in the basket.

I glanced at him and he seemed in deep contemplation. I picked up a plastic tray of Madeira buns. 

"Okay, you've lost me." He muttered, staring at me like I had five heads.

"Just keep thinking." I laughed, sauntering down the toiletry aisle. I picked some deodrant and shampoo out and put them beside the bread.

"Matt, just tell me." He whined, linking an arm with my free one.

"Nope." I grinned, glimpsing at his faultlessm innocent face. 

"Matt, tell me. I'm worried." 

"I'll give you a hint." I allowed, "What happened on this date last year?" 

A look of joy washed over his face and he let out a burst of laughter before pressing his lips to mine. I smiled against him and he gave his forehead a smack, "Happy anniversary, Matt." 

"You too." I whispered and pecked him again. 

"Table for two please," I smiled to the receptionist. 

I linked hands with Will before leading him to our table. We sat down and within a few seconds a waitress came over and asked us what drinks we'd like and passed us the menus. We ordered water and began chatting. 

"I can't believe it's been ten years since we've been together, and a year married." I muttered, watching his hand envelope mine. 

"It's gone so quickly." Will laughed with happiness. 

"I just need the bathroom." I mumbled before making my way to the bathroom. 

As I was in there, a bloke was washing his hands, but then walked out. He dropped a piece of paper from his pocket and because I was doing my business, I couldn't exactly call him back. When I was finished, I washed my hands and picked it up. I slowly walked outside the bathrooms and scanned the restaurant for his familiar head. I soon came across it and began trotting over to him. 

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