The Vibrance Within Us (Part Two)

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(Part Two)

(Raven's POV)

A couple of hours later and the concert had finished. The crowd were dying down and decreasing. Emma decided to go back to the car while I waited in line with my V.I.P ticket. It shouldn't take too long.

I peered my head out of the line and saw about thirty girls also awaiting Jesse Cale's charming attention. I chuckled to myself, knowing that I'm not the only one is slightly more reassuring. Patiently, I stepped forward every now and then and a girl would saunter past me, grinning and blushing crazily.

Finally, it was my time. The body guards checked my ticket and frowned in unison. They spoke to one another about it in hushes. I frowned, "What's the problem?"

One of them, a butch, bald bloke pulled me aside while the other body guard let more in. "Your V.I.P ticket is invalid. Where did you buy it?" He looked confused.

"Um, this guy was selling them for one hundred pounds outside the ticket collectors," I shook my head, not wanting to believe that I wasted one hundred pounds.

I saw one more person enter through the mystery door while the body guards began to debate about the ticket. 

"Look, we can't let you inside if it's not the right ticket!" The other one frowned at me.

"But how was I meant to know?! You're trying to tell me I just wasted one hundred pounds?!" I flared my nostrils while the last person walked out the door and brushed past me.

"Yes!" He replied and pointed out the corridor. The first bodyguard, named Dave looked torn, and spoke to his colleague, "How was she supposed to know, Rob?"

"There's the door." Rob said, still pointing down the corridor.

"I'm not leaving. I did not just-" I was cut off by the sight in front of me.

Jesse Cale.

Jesse Cale.

Jesse Cale.

He swung the door open, "What's the problem here, guys?"

Instantaneously, my breath grew legs and walked away. I felt light headed and couldn't speak properly. It's him, right in front of me! I involuntarily squeaked.

Dave made it his job to speak up first, "This young lady bought an invalid V.I.P ticket for one hundred pounds from a guy outside. Rob wasn't going to let her in," He shot his friend glares.

Jesse sighed and shook his head in Rob's direction.

 Then he turned to me, his blue eyes meeting my own. Not from the poster though. I bit my lip as my heart pounded rapidly.

"Come on in, ignore that guy." He smiled, and jerked his thumb in Rob's direction.

His body turned around and I proudly followed him in to his lavish room. It was decorated with the most supreme pieces of furniture with a crisp, white paint on the walls. My jaw dropped with shock.

He must have caught me because I heard a bout of laughter from my left.

His soft voice spoke, "Nice, isn't it?"

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