Other Side Of The World (Part Four)

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(River's POV)

I exited the airport, still overly frustrated at Luke's mysterious demeanour and lifestyle. I thumbed down a taxi and instantly threw the driver off with my Canadian accent. I handed him the address and he whistled while his eyebrows perked, "What?" I frowned. 

"Nothing, son." He mumbled, driving. 

"No, what?" I poked.

"It's just that street is very.." He trailed off.

"Gangstery?" I interrupted him. 

He laughed out loud, "God, no! It's extremely well to do, if you know what I mean."

"Oh.. That makes sense." I murmured. 

"Are you renting the house or staying with a friend?" He asked, creating conversation. 

"Eh, staying with a friend." I replied. 

"Lucky for some." he laughed but I didn't exactly see the humour in it. 

After over an hour we reached what I assume was the centre. My jaw dropped when I saw the cars that encircled the round about. There wasn't a car that wasn't either a Mercedes, Bentley, BMW, or Landrover. When the taxi stopped outside a Victorian looking house, my jaw dropped once again. It looked even more posh than the cars that sat outside. It had one door and I wasn't quite sure if they were flats or if it was all Luke's house.

"Do you know if these are flats?" I frowned.

He laughed, "As if." 

Once again, I couldn't exactly decipher the humour in it so I just smiled and paid him. I tugged my suitcase out and took the key from my pocket. I eyed the cars that were outside it. A Bentley, and the most modern Mercedes. Oh, God. 

I put the key in the door apprehensively and it clicked open. My heart rate sped up an unbelievable amount. I grabbed my suitcase before fully opening the door. But before I could even stepfoot in the building, I dropped my suitcase in utter disbelief of the beauty that was in front of me. Black and white checkered floors with rich, grey wallpaper that hugged the room. 

I closed the door behind me and slowly walked around the house, when someone approached me.

"Who are you?" A small, chubby woman wearing an apron interrogated. Her blonde bob bounced as she walked up to me, "How on earth did you get in?" 

"Uh-uh, I'm a friend of Luke's, he gave me a key." I mumbled and showed her the key. 

Her frown deepened, "There is some dinner on if you want some. It's cavier with lobster. Do you like that?"

I was taken-aback by her sudden change of attitude towards me, I followed her into the kitchen. "I've never had either."

"Well, now is your time to try some." She beamed and before I could refuse, she stuffed a spoon into my mouth. 

It tasted delicious much to my surprise. Luke's smell filled the house, his Hugo Boss aftershave. 

"My name is Ellen, by the way." She smiled up at me, "I'll show you to your room." 

"My room?" I repeated, surprised yet again.

She nodded but we were both stopped as an absolutely stunning young lady came down the stairs.  Her elegant movements clearly had me doubting my homosexuality. My jaw dropped. 

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