Her Red Dress Swayed (Part Two)

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Part Two

Courtney's POV

All eight of us stood in the cold breeze, waiting in the queue. We huddled in together in a hope to keep warm, but to no avail. I watched Rachel as she leaned on her right foot, then left, then right, then left. Her red dress swayed in the wind and made her look like an amazing model. Well, she is in my eyes. Her perfectly chizzled face turned to face me, "Are you okay, Courntey?" 

"Perfectly fine," I lied. When in reality my nerves are on edge, my heart is racing and it usually ends up that I can't control myself.

Yes, this happens when I'm around her or talk to her, much to my frustration. She smiled and nodded, folding her arms due to the bitter cold. She carried on chatting to Emma and laughing about boys around us that looked about twelve. How on earth do they get into an 18's and over nightclub?

Beats me.

"Stop it, Courtney." Katie demanded, through gritted teeth. 

"It's so damn hard, though," I mumbled, with a sad face. 

"She'll realise it sooner than later, and she'll probably get a restraining order against you!" 

"I'm not that bad!" I countered, furrowing my eyebrows at her. She huffed and continued talking to another friend. 

Katie is my only friend that knows about my never ending love for Rachel. Katie isn't daft and put two and two together when I used to glance at Rachel all the time, keep eye contact and well.. eye rape her. 

After a few minutes we were in the club and dancing to the sound of the music. I found happiness in this moment more often than not. All the single girls, including myself, usually set eyes on a boy we fancy and try to get their number. It works out by the end of the night. We all danced and enjoyed ourselves, flirting with every boy we set eyes on. Rachel went outside to get some air, due to the extreme stuffiness on the dance floor. Not long after, I followed her. 

"Hey," She smiled, standing on her own. That crushed my heart. 

"Hey," I replied, trying to avoid eye contact. I didn't want to make it obvious, but it was so incredibly hard. 

"Are you having a good night?" Rachel questioned, raising her eyebrows in amusement. I nodded and grinned, "Are you?" 

"It's okay," she laughed. 

After a few seconds of silence, she walked over, getting closer to me. My heart was slamming into my chest about one hundred times per mili second. This can't go down well. Usually I try to avoid being within this proximity to her. Too tempting, and her perfume has a bad tendency to make my hormones go absolutely wild. She stepped forward another three steps, and now our noses were nearly touching. 

"I know you like me, Courtney," she whispered, sexily. I froze, what is going to happen. 

Before I knew it, her lips met mine, but I pulled back. This is just wrong, she doesn't even like me!

"What're you doing?! I-I don't l-like you!" I frowned, eyeing her. 

"God, I'm not stupid. The way you look at me, touch me, talk to me. It's not rocket science, I'm not a boy, I'm not dumb." She laughed, "I like you, too, Courtney,"

"No, you don't." I gaped, stunned by her news.

Again, she leaned in and pressed her sweet, perfect lips to mine. She pulled away just as fast. I couldn't exactly process what was happening. This .. what? 

She wrapped her arms around me and settled her head in the crook of my neck, "You smell so good, you know?" 

"Um, t-thanks," I stuttered, folding her into my arms. This moment, pure bliss.

Her soft lips met mine for the third time that night, and I didn't refuse them.  

I have her. At last.

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