Other Side Of The World (Part Three)

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(Luke's POV)

I smiled to the driver of my Bentley, before getting out and heading into the airport. Being a VIP has it's advantages, clearly. Missing all the commotion of people's troubles really is satisfactory. I grabbed my suitcase and briefcase after coming through a secret, hidden away security room. I left my bags with some officers who put them on the plane. 

The eyes that I first met with sent my heart into overdrive. For what reason leaves me absolutely dumbfounded, I must admit. There's just something about River. I smirked and sat beside him, eagerly. 

"Where have you been?" He asked demandingly. 

I smiled and pecked his cheek, "Oh, hello, Luke! How are you? I'm very well, thank you River. And how are you, also?" 

He rolled his eyes, "I'm good. Where have you been?" 

"I took a different route to you, that is all. Would you care for an apple bun?" I offered, politely. 

He smiled and kissed me tenderly, "Please."

"Why did your parents' call you River?" I queried, handing him a bun. 

"It's not my real name." He mumbled, chewing the bun. 

"Don't speak whilst chewing food, it's rude. And what do you mean it's not your real name?" 

He rolled his eyes again and looked out the window, "I'm not a snob like you, Luke."

"That's a shame." I smiled and sliced my bun into 4 pieces. "Anyway, what is your real name?"


I eyed his posture whilst thinking. His long legs were stretched out while his jeans' sat helplessly on his bottom half. I was drooling at his torso when my eyes raked it. I grabbed his passport from his hold and opened it. 

"That's cheating!" He gasped and pulled it away before I could read it. 

I grinned, "Jesus?" 

"What?! No." 

I sat back and thought hard. What could his name possibly be? I thought of some rivers in Ontario or all over Canada. Then one caught my mind and lingered.

"Trent?" I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. 

His head slowly turned to meet mine, "How on earth did you guess that?" 

"I just thought of some rivers in Ontario and Trent seemed the most appropriate." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Fucking hell." He muttered and frowned. 

"Can you not replace that phrase with 'wow' or 'oh my God'?" I frowned deeply. 

"You swear, too!" His eyebrows shot up. 

"That was involuntary." I muttered and rummaged in my bag for the gift I got him.

I passed a small black bag to him without saying anything. He seemed confused and opened it slowly, "A bracelet?" 

I nodded. It was an expensive, especially handmade bead bracelet with his name on it. After a few seconds, his frown ironed out and a small smile played on his gorgeous lips. I leaned over and kissed him sweetly letting my lips linger on his for a moment. His hand slid into my hair and his mouth began moving. My world started to fall apart around me while it was just us two, making out. I pulled away a tad breathless, "Put it on." 

He done as I said and quickly pecked my cheek again. "Thank you, I love it."

We chatted for the two hour flight and caught up on things that we have in common. It turned out that we didn't have much in common, unfortunately. When we landed, I got off earlier than everyone else and left River feeling awfully confused. 

I took a taxi back to my house on Park Road. Yes, it is probably the most expensive street to buy a house on in London, but hey! Live a little if you have the money. 

I left to go straight for my meeting, but not before living a note for River, telling him to feel at home. 

I think I'm falling in love with him. 

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