Other Side Of The World (Part One)

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This is a request from tinagk! c:

Please comment and vote c: xxxxxxx

(Luke's POV)

I left Copenhagen in bid for a province of such greatness and prosperity. Ontario, Canada. This time round it wasn't a holiday. Being the CEO of a widespread company has it's disadvantages and advantages. Although those disadvantages also have their advantages and vice versa. 

 After a ten hour flight, Air Transat landed in Toronto Airport a few minutes late. I took my bag from the carousel and got the bus straight to Niagara Falls, the area for our meeting. It was just over two hours long, so I read over the files and organized them all. Half way through the journey, a handsome looking man entered the bus, heading in the same direction as myself. 

I over heard the bus driver and the handsome guy talking about a seventy-four year old man who travels over the falls on a rope. My jaw dropped, wow. 

"Sorry, I couldn't help over hearing your conversation. Is he really seventy-four?" I butted in, wide eyed. 

The handsome guy turned his head towards me, his green eyes glistening. "Yeah! I'm not even fit enough to walk to the shop and I'm twenty-eight!" He laughed, his soft and bouncy Canadian accent soothing my apprehensive mood.

I laughed with him and asked several other questions, "What time does he do it?" 

"I think it's around half seven or eight. You're going to Niagara falls, I take it?" He smiled.

"Yes, I am. Some business trip I'm on." I replied. I couldn't take my eyes off his white smile. I mean, my teeth are white and fine, but his are just amazing. They're like the ones from the guy's on tv!

Two women got on the bus when we were nearly there and sat in front of me. I twisted my wedding ring on my finger whilst looking out the window. After being a month divorced, I should really take it off. But I know I still have a lot to owe her for. 

I heard giggling and glimpsed straight ahead. From the gap between the two seats I could see the two middle aged women having close encounters, touching hair and a kiss. My assumption was correct; lesbians. I glanced over at the handsome guy and noticed him smiling sadly at the couple. He caught me looking and instantaneously looked back out the window, looking a tad bit embarrassed. 

When the bus came to a halt outside the Marriott hotel, I grinned. The entrance looked magnificent. The handsome guy got off first and dragged his bag out from the bus. 

"Are you staying here also?" He asked politely. 

I eyed him curiously, "Yes, I am." I held my briefcase in one hand and my small suitcase in the other. 

We checked in at the same desk, he was first. 

"I'm sorry, Sir. It looks like that room has already been booked." The receptionist spoke. 

"But I booked it over three weeks ago?" The handsome guy frowned, looking puzzled. 

"It's okay, I can book you into another one. I just need to you place your card in here. Also, can I have your passport?" She questioned. 

He sighed and nodded, trying to swipe his card. 

"Swipe it again." She smiled, noticing his distress.

"I just done it three times!" He sighed. 

She took it from him and tried, but to no avail. I was starting to feel agitated and I needed to go within in an hour so I stepped in. I swiped my card and smiled to the handsome young man. His and the receptionist's jaws' dropped. 

"Please, continue because I am in a slight rush." I stated, smiling firmly.

He rushed the rest of his checking in and stayed a few feet away from the desk. I frowned but continued. 

"Name?" She smiled.

"Luke Cameron." I informed her. 

I began walking away from the desk when a hand attached itself to my elbow, I turned around and shot my eyebrows up. "Yes?"

"Can I at least buy you a drink?" The handsome guy smiled, charmingly. 

"You think one drink will cover what I just paid?" I laughed and tried to walk away, but he pleaded. 

"Just one, I'm sure you have twenty minutes?" 

"Fine, I'll go shower." I sighed.

What am I doing? I don't even know his name. Christ. I reached my suite and was immediately speechless at the sight before me. I could hear the falls and I assumed they do vibrate the building. I jumped in the shower and within fifteen minutes I was dressed and ready to head back out. I grabbed my brief case and checked my appearance in the mirror. A brand new tailoured suit never seems to disappoint. 

I sauntered into the lounge, running a hand through my still wet, jet black hair. Where is he?

"You scrub up well." A voice came from behind me. I spun around and was faced with the handsome guy.

"Sorry, I never caught your name?" I smiled, waltzing over to the bar. 

"River. And your's is Luke Cameron, I take it?" His Canadian accent seemed to make my heart race.

"You're smarter than you look." I muttered, drinking a Cosmopolitan.

He frowned but continued drinking. "Where are you from?"

"London. The one in England." I smiled, watching him carefully, "And you?"

"I'm from Barrie, it'-"

"Yeah, I know where it is, I've been." I laughed and checked my watch. I have to go soon.

"What's the briefcase for?" He frowned, eyeing it like an alien.

"I have a business meeting at half six." I sighed. 

"Oh, where?" 

"I don't actually know. It's called Kelsey's?" I twisted my lips, confused. 

"Oh, I'll walk you there." He smiled and we headed out the glorious, five star hotel.

"So, why are you here?" I questioned, feeling curious.

"Business meeting, also." He smirked, glancing at me. 

"Can I ask what it's about?" 

"I'm a lawyer. So, I'm meeting with a man about a case from about thirty years ago. He's an expert or something. How about you?" His smile meeting his green eyes. 

"When did you graduate? And I'm the CEO of a company so I'm on these trips every month. I have to meet with other Chiefs and discuss sales." I sighed.

"Last year. Wow, sounds interesting." He smiled, glimpsing at me.

We locked eyes and I noticed how comfortable I felt around him. He stopped walking and I looked behind him, Kelsey's. Before I could stop him, he closed the gap between our torsos' and pecked my cheek within a second, leaving his lips to linger for a milisecond. I gasped but didn't move. 

"I'm sure I'll see you again." He whispered before taking off down the street. I stood there frozen, nearly dropping my brief case.


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There will be a part two! :P 

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