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(Tate’s POV)

She’s truly something else. Everything she does amazes me. It’s honestly impressive how she can be funny, charming, and perfect all at the same time. I see no flaws when I look at her. She’s the only girl to ever make me believe in love at first sight. Maybe I will ask her to be mine when this is all over.

She then looked up from her food, and blushed while looking across the table at me. I keep forgetting that she has the ability to read minds. My lips curled up into a shy smile, before looking down at my plate of food. Everything was almost completely eaten, except for a few pieces of steak and baked potato. I finished the last few bites before standing up.

“I just need to grab my sword from my bedroom,” I said before taking my empty plate to the sink. “I’ll be right back.”

After leaving the kitchen, I walked down the hallway to my room, closing the door gently behind me. Immediately, my eyes were drawn to the sword hanging on my wall.

I carefully pulled it down from the wall, before removing it from its sheath. At first I began to wave it around playfully. Then carefully and skillfully, I wielded it around, making jabs at the air in front of me.

I turned around when I heard the sound of clapping coming from behind me. Alice was standing there with a grin on her beautiful face. 

“Whoa, you need to be more careful sneaking up on someone that is holding a sword. I could have cut you,” I said as I put the blade back in its sheath.

“You would never hurt me,” she said with a smile.

She stepped into my room, closing the door behind her. Silence and stealth were certainly her strengths. It could definitely be useful in our fight against the clan.

“You are right, I wouldn’t, but that’s beside the point,” I said, as I hooked the sheath to my belt loop.

I watched as she began to walk around my room, examining everything. She smiled as she traced her fingers over my knickknacks and childhood items. 
“Where’s my grandma?” I asked her.
“She walked down to the basement to grab a few items and weapons from the basement,” she said.

“Oh, I see.” I said.

After seeing a picture of me standing with my mother, she stopped walking around the room. She turned around with a sad look on her face, as a single tear fell from her eye.

“What’s wrong Alice?” I asked, as I touched her face. 

She sighed and sat on my bed. I sat down next to her. After resting her head against my chest, I wrapped my arms around her. She began to talk about her past. Things she never understood about her own life while growing up, such as how different she is compared to her mother.

She also told me stories about Anna and her mother. Alice and her mother didn’t have much of a bond, because she couldn’t accept the fact that Alice was different. As for Anna and her mother, there was alcohol-induced abuse. I liked how open she was with me about these things, even if they were difficult for her to talk about.

“You don’t have to help me save Anna,” she said as she sat up straight.

“I want to, though,” I assured her.

“I’d understand if you didn’t, but I want you to understand that I will do this with or without your help. Anna is all I really have,” she explained as she looked up at me.

“I’m with you all the way, Alice,” I said as I cupped her face with my hand.

She smiled and thanked me for understanding and for listening to her. If only I could tell her the truth, the reason I care so much about her. I didn’t want her to think I felt responsible for her, even though I did.

Vampires and werewolves aren’t the only creatures that have mates. My kind does, too. Warlocks and witches that is. Alice is my mate, and I could tell from the first time I laid eyes on her.

That’s why I care so much. That’s why I want to protect her. Without the bond of being mates, I know I’d still feel the same. Would telling her change how she looks at me? Or would it be the thing that pushes her away from me?

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now