Guest of Honor

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(Kane’s POV)

My pathetic younger brother, Alex, decided to speak out against me. That wasn’t a smart thing to do. He doesn’t want to mess with me. Especially when he knows what I’m capable of. I glared at him, but a smirk appeared when an idea suddenly popped into my head. 

I will get back at him by using Sophia's slave, whom he feels sorry for. My brother was weak. He has a soft spot. He would never be able to run our family’s clan. As for me I feel no pain, no need for love, and no need for feelings. My brother still has the slightest sliver of his humanity left. As for me, my humanity has been absent for quite a long time.

“Rain! Come here,” I demanded.

Her eyes became wide as she stood up slowly. She was sitting on a cushion, between Damon and Sophia. After she walked over to me, I pulled her over to the other side of me. I forced her onto the floor, between Anna and I. Rain looked up at me with sadness in her eyes. I laughed at her pity. 

“Drink from her!” I demanded Anna.
Anna looked down at Rain with lust in her eyes. I could feel excitement filling the room. Everyone’s eyes were on us. Even Alex watched with anticipation.

“No,” she said calmly.

“Excuse me?” I asked her.

She crossed her arms while looking up at me. A grin spread across her face.

“Are you deaf? I said no!” She said louder.

She dares to disobey me.

“Give me one reason why you think you don’t have to obey what I say,” I said with a snarl.

“It is wrong. This girl has done me no wrong,” Anna said as she shook her head.

“Really? Is that what you think?” I asked with a smirk.

She looked up at me with a look of confusion on her face.

“Who do you think we sent to spy on you and Alice?” I asked while looking around the room.

She looks at Rain, who is shaking her head with tears in her eyes.

“They made me do it!” Rain pleaded with Anna. “I promise I wouldn’t have done it otherwise. Please, you have to believe me.”

“Oh shut up, or I’ll turn you into a bird again,” Sophia said while holding up her hand.

“Bird? That was you?” Anna asked.

“You were that strange crow that sat outside my house every night?”

I chuckled at her realization. Pitiful, just pitiful.

“Took you long enough to figure that one out!” Sophia said before laughing.

“I bet you want to just rip her throat out now, don’t you?” I asked Anna.

She refuses to look at me, as she takes a moment to think. It wasn’t long before she had something to say.

“I’ll die first, before I ever give in to your ways,” Anna said before looking up at me.

I rolled my eyes, tired of the games this silly little girl was playing. Even though I was seriously annoyed, my attitude changed when the thought hit me. I’m now filled with excitement at the thought of forcing her to feed. I grabbed Rain’s arm roughly, causing it to bruise. Using the nail on my pointer finger, I slit her wrist. She let out a muffled whimper as blood gushed from the cut. Alex looked away as Anna’s eyes grew wide. 

“Now drink!” I demanded, as I raised Rain’s wrist up to Anna’s mouth.

That was all it took to set the motion. Anna grabbed her arm, and sank her fangs deeply into the cut. I watched and laughed as Anna drank vigorously. The immense pain caused Rain to scream. She didn’t fight Anna, knowing the consequences if she did. I found it very pleasing to see others in pain.

I looked around the room and cheered on the rest of my clan. They all began drinking the blood of their own slaves. Everyone except Damon and Alex. I watched as my brother whispered something to Anna. Suddenly, Rain was no longer screaming, but rather making a moaning sound. Did she take away her pain? She can’t do that. It took away all the fun.

“Okay, Anna, save room for later,” I said.

She didn’t stop. Rain became very pale. This was beginning to get more interesting. Anna didn’t stop until Rain’s body became limp in her arms. The extreme loss of blood caused her to faint. She dropped Rain onto the floor, before wiping the blood from her mouth. Damon quickly stood up and tried to rush to Rain’s side, but I held him back.

“Kane, please, she needs me,” he said.

“She needs you?” I asked him while raising an eyebrow. “Has being friends with my brother caused you to forget your place?”

He shook his head, before looking down at the unconscious girl. I watched blood continue to pour out of her wrist. With my hand still on his chest, I felt his body become tense. Has he grown to care for this pathetic human?

“This is what I call weakness. It will not be tolerated,” I said as I looked at every single vampire in my clan. “I’m your king! You will obey me, or there will be serious consequences.”

“Please, just let me bandage her wrist?” He asked.

His feelings for her annoyed me. I found love to be disgusting. It sickened me, and so did those who expressed it.

“Fine! I’ll let it slide this time, because she has been very useful to this clan,” I said while rolling my eyes. “Just know that should the opportunity arise, I will let her die, and you will be forced to watch.”

After moving my hand away from his chest, he fell to his knees on the floor next to her. I watched as he pulled out some gauze from his pocket, then carefully wrapped her wrist. He treated her with such care, it disgusted me. Once I was done watching this pitiful act, I decided to call for the guards. 

“Guards! Come get Rain, and take her to my room,” I ordered them. 

They did as they were told. After taking my seat at the table, I looked down at Anna. She just sat there, staring at the blood on the floor. She didn’t move an inch or say a word.

“Do you feel better?” I asked her. 

She turned back to her human form, as she continued to ignore me. There was nothing I hated more than being ignored. 

“Don’t ignore me!” I yelled as I grabbed her by the hair. “When I talk to you, you answer me!”

Just as she let out a cry, the door to the dining room was kicked open. 

“Dinner time is over! Let her go!” A girl’s voice echoed from the dining room entrance.

I grinned before turning around. There she stood covered in blood. Finally, the guest of honor has arrived. This was the moment I had been waiting for. Victory shall be mine.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now