The Man

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(Anna's POV)

My eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted by a dimly lit room. It took a moment for them to adjust. I didn't know where I was. This place was unfamiliar to me. The last thing I remember was being attacked by a group of men. During the altercation, I was knocked out.

Suddenly, a sharp pain stung the right side of my head. All this thinking made my head throb. When I tried to rub my aching head, I could feel the tight chains binding my wrists. Slowly, I sat up in the bed I was lying on.

That's when I heard a man chuckle. I quickly turned in the direction of his voice to face him, only to see it was the man who grabbed me earlier. He stepped out of the dark corner of the room. His bright green eyes stared deep into mine, as he walked closer to the bed.

He no longer wore his armor, only a white button-up shirt and black dress pants. I could see his chiseled muscles through the opening of his shirt, where the buttons had been left undone. He's actually quite handsome, but that didn't change what he did to me, taking me away, and keeping me locked up in this room.

"Hello there, Sleeping Beauty," He said with a smile.

"Where am I? Why am I here?" I asked as I slid into the corner of the bed.

"I can't say where we are, but I can tell you that we need you," He said as he approached me, "Well, at least until we capture Alice. Although, I might just keep you."

Once he was close enough, he took a seat on the other side of the bed. I watched him carefully, unsure of what his next move was. There's no telling what he's capable of doing to me.

"How do you know the name of my friend?" I asked curiously.

Suddenly, he reached out to touch my face, but I jerked my head away. If my hands weren't chained up, I would've smacked his hand.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" he asked me with a smirk.

"When she comes for me, you are all going to die," I snapped at him.

"Mmm, you're a feisty one. I like that in a girl," He said, as he scooted closer to me.

I didn't say anything back, just kept staring at him. Watching his every move, as he eyed me up and down. I didn't trust him, or the way he looked at me. As if I were a piece of meat.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" He asked, as he brushed the hair out of my face.

I jerked my face away again, while squinting at him. He wanted a reaction out of me, and he wasn't getting one.

"I won't hurt you. I'm not like the others," He began to say, while holding my face in the palm of his hand. "Well, I am, but I'm not cruel like them."

"Why are you doing this to me then? Just let me go," I pleaded.

"It's not me you have to worry about. I don't get to call the shots around here, not yet anyway. So, I can't let you go," He said, as he pulled his hand away.

"What are you?" I asked him.

"I can't tell you what we are, but you will find out soon enough when the bell dings," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked terrified.

"That's none of your concern as of right now," He said, while standing up.

"You won't get away with this!" I screamed at him.

"Now, is that any way to treat your host?" he taunted me.

I groaned while shaking my fist trying to free myself from my restraints. They wouldn't release the grip they had on me. I was stuck here. The more I struggled, the more pain it caused me to feel in my wrists. They were already bruised from sleeping with my hands holding up my weight.

"Oh, please I don't even know you. I'm more of a prisoner to you than anything else," I said while looking away from him.

"Why don't we get to know one another? My name is Alex," he said with a smirk.

"You kidnapped me, and you don't even know my name?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

He scoffs at me before walking towards the door. As a last resort, I make a last-minute attempt to gain his good graces, hoping he'll loosen my restraints.

"Wait, don't leave me alone in here! I'll tell you anything you want to know," I stated.

He stops in his tracks, turning around to face me with a smile on his face.

"You can start with your name," he said while crossing his arms.

"Anna. My name is Anna," I say calmly.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked sarcastically.

I shake my head as he walks towards me. He takes a seat on the bed in front of me, his eyes studying my body.

"Alex, can you please take these chains off me? They're hurting my wrists," I pleaded.

At first, I thought he would actually unchain me. I watched as he lifted his hands up to my wrists, and pulled down my long sleeves. Suddenly, he stopped and shook his head. Our eyes met, before he looked back at the chains digging into my soft skin.

"I don't know if I can trust you yet," He said, as he let go of my wrists.

"What if I have to use the bathroom?" I asked, hoping he would take them off.

"You are just coming up with excuses for me to take them off," Alex said with a cocky smile.

"I just want them off. I promise I won't run," I said truthfully.

"Okay, but one wrong move, and I will chain you up again. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if it's necessary. Do you understand?" He asked.

I nodded my head, as he took the key out of his pocket, then he slowly unchained me. Once my raw wrists are free from their restraints, I caress them carefully.

"Is that any better?" He asked sincerely.

"Yes," I simply stated, while pulling down my long sleeves.

Just then I heard the screams of a girl coming from a room down the hall.

"The bell hasn't rung yet. What the hell are they doing?" He asked himself as he stood up.

"What are they doing to her?" I asked frightened.

I tried standing up, but fell because my legs were too weak. Even if I wanted to, I could hardly walk, let alone run away.

"She probably disobeyed an order," he said as he turned around.

He looked down at me, before picking me up, and laying me on the bed.

"I have to use the bathroom," I said truthfully.

"I just laid you down," Alex said with a sigh.

He places his hands on his hips, taking a moment to think.

"Well, I don't want to wear piss-soaked clothes or lay on a wet bed," I argued.

He flashed me a half-smile.

"That's okay, that just means I have to bathe you," Alex said as he looked me up and down.

"I'm sure I could bathe myself," I said while crossing my arms.

I could tell he enjoyed getting under my skin. It annoyed me, and he knew that.

"I really have to go!" I yelled as I bounced up and down.

"Fine, I will help you get in there," He said, while helping me stand up.

Once I'm standing, he leans in closely to whisper in my ear.

"Just saying, you don't get to tell me what to do. You should also know that I can do whatever I want to you," He said softly in my ear.

His hot breath sent a tingling sensation throughout my entire body. I stayed quiet not knowing what to say back to that. After helping me walk across the room, he opened the bathroom door. He then helped me walk over to the toilet. As I positioned myself to pull down my skirt and undies, he grabbed my hands.

"Stop! I can do it myself. Turn around or get out!" I said as I tried to pull my hands away.

He released his grip on my hands, and raised his in the air.

"I'm sorry. It was just a joke," he said.

He then turned around, and I quickly pulled down my undies and skirt. I wiped when I was done, and pulled my clothes back up. He escorted me back into the room. I sat down on the bed, because it wasn't like I could leave this room anyway. He sat down next to me, placing a hand on my leg. I tried to smile, but it soon faded away.

The sound of a bell rang loudly in the halls. Suddenly, the door opened and another man came in. My chest felt heavy, as my head filled with horrible thoughts about what was about to happen.

"It's time," the man said.

"Time for what?" I asked nervously.

Alex chained me up again, and I began to cry.

"No, Alex, please don't do this," I pleaded.

He ignores my pleas, while walking over to the corner of the room to talk to the man.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now