Young Love

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(Ceciellia’s POV)

I have seen everything. The truth has finally come to the surface. I always knew that something wasn’t right. No matter how hard I tried to see him in my visions and dreams, I never could find him.

Just then, I felt my body being yanked back into reality. I opened my eyes and gasped for air while sitting up.

“What did you see?” Tate asked.

I could feel tears swelling up in my eyes. It felt as if a lump had formed in my throat. I took a deep breath before looking up at Tate.

“Your grandfather never died. At least not how I thought he did,” I said as tears trickled down my cheek. “He paid the banshee to cover up his fake death, offering her the cure to the curse of the banshee by taking her to a place where she could find a baby to pass it onto.”

“Why would he do that?” Tate asked while helping me stand up.

“He had fallen in love with a vampire during our years of hunting together. I guess he must have loved her more than me,” I said before looking away.

“I’m sorry,” Tate said as he hugged me.

“No. I’m the one who should be saying sorry. It was a vampire that took your grandfather away from me, not a banshee,” I said as I looked up at Alice. “I’m sorry, Alice. I never should have judged you.”

She stood up with her back turned against Tate and me, with her fist clenched so tight it drew blood. 

“Alice?” Tate asked.  

She didn’t bother to turn around. I could tell she was upset with me.

“Now you’re sorry? I did nothing to you. Yet you judged me. All because of an opinion you had, based on what you thought one banshee had done,” Alice said to me.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“You got what you wanted,” she said while looking over her shoulder. "So, now you can leave."

“What is she saying?” Tate asked.

She turned around to face us. Her face showed defeat. When she released her gripped fists, her palms began to bleed, and blood trickled from her fingers onto the floor.

“I allowed myself to care too much. It’s become a distraction. Sophia was the only one who could’ve possibly told me where to find Anna, but she has escaped,” Alice angrily replied. “I probably just lost my one and only friend again.”

“Alice, please –“Tate said before I  interrupted him.

I stop him by placing my hand on his chest. When he looks at me, I shake my head. Signaling for him to back off.

“I’m sorry, Tate, but I have to find her on my own now. You’ve helped me enough. You both need to leave. Now!” 

We watched as she slowly began to transform into her banshee form. I understood why she said what she said, but Tate just stared at her, with tears in his eyes. His face was so red, it was almost as if her words had literally punched him in the guts. She turned away after completing the transformation.

Not another word is spoken before she runs off in the direction we entered. She smears the blood from her hands on the door and walls, before leaving the dining room. I couldn’t tell if she was leaving breadcrumbs to remind her where she’d been In this new and strange place. Or if she was trying to lure and attract vampires using the scent of her blood.

Tate dropped to his knees. Before I could comfort him, he released a loud scream. He stood up, and began to trash the dining room. Throwing plates and other dishes against the wall. He punches the wall, leaving a hole in the drywall.

“Tate?” I asked, trying to get his attention.

He stopped but didn’t look at me. The next thing I knew, he rushed towards me, picking up his sword from the floor in front of me.

“Let’s go,” he said calmly.

Whatever he was about to do, it wasn’t going to be pleasant. Hopefully he doesn’t get himself into too much trouble. I let out a sigh before gripping my bow and chasing after him.

Young love. Something I once had, but lost shortly after. I think I was more afraid of what it would do to Tate if he were to lose the one he loved. As if it were a family curse, it seemed to be the same for all of us.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now