Frozen In Time

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(Alice’s POV)

I could hear faint arguing coming from the kitchen. I didn’t want to intrude on their conversation, but I really wanted to know. I quietly opened his bedroom door, and made my way into the living room. I stood right outside the door along the wall. I could hear what they were talking about a lot better now.

They were talking about me. He said such nice things about me. As for his grandmother, she told him the story of why she didn’t trust my kind. I have never met any other of my kind. I don’t even know how I became a banshee.
I always thought that I inherited it through a relative, but after hearing what Ceciellia said earlier I’m not so sure anymore.

No, it couldn’t be possible. Could it? Could someone have passed the curse on to me? I checked my body for any scars I didn’t remember making myself. That’s when I saw the faint scar on my palm. It was barely noticeable. I never would’ve thought anything of it, until Ceciellia mentioned the blood bond ritual used to transfer the curse.

I shook my head, pushing my thoughts aside, and tried to focus on what they were talking about. He was talking about me being his mate, and how he would always protect me. Ceciellia was completely against it. When I heard what her reason was, I finally understood.

My dangerous nature was already known to me. Even though I’ve only ever killed two vampires who attacked me first, there’s no telling what I’m capable of. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I ever were to hurt or kill Tate.

In that moment, I made my decision. No more kissing, hugging, or anything of the sort. There could never be a relationship between us, not with me having the curse. I refuse to put this burden on anyone else, let alone an innocent child.

It’s time I accepted that I’m cursed for life. He would be better off with his own kind, like Ceciellia said. He would be better off without me. I let out a sigh, but covered my mouth when they stopped talking.

“You don’t have to hide. We know you’re out there listening.” Ceciellia said.

I walked in with a straight look on my face. Unable to look at his grandmother, my eyes instantly locked onto his.

“I think your grandmother is right, Tate,” I said to him.

“I don’t understand,” he said with a confused look on his face.

“Maybe we should keep this strictly business, then go our separate ways. It’s safer for everyone that way,” I explained.

I could see his body tensing up. His heart ached for me. I was able to read his every thought. His mind was like an open book. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed Ceciellia looking over at me. I could tell that she knew I was talking to him.

“What did she say?” she asked.

He looked away from me and his grandmother. Holding back what he really wanted to say, knowing he was running in circles.

“Nothing. She’s ready. Let’s go,” he said.

He quickly walked out of the kitchen door.

His grandmother and I followed him. She looked back at me with narrowed eyes. I explained what I had said to him and how I agreed with her. She turned her head around, while walking down the stairs, not saying anything back to me.

He led us into the garage, through a hidden door in the ceiling of the basement. I sat alone in the back of his Impala. His grandmother sat up front with him.

“Buckle up,” Tate said while reaching for his own.

After I buckled myself in, I looked up. Only to see he was already staring at me. I tried to read his thoughts, but he was blocking me out. After a few seconds he looked away, and started the car. The radio is playing a love song, and he switches the radio to a different station immediately.

He was ignoring me now. I know he’s upset with me, and I can’t really blame him. Although I did not physically hurt him, I tore his heart out. He said all those sweet things about me, and I broke his heart with my words.

It doesn’t matter If I were to tell him that I feel the same about him, his grandmother wouldn’t allow it to happen anyway. I felt really horrible about it, but getting Anna back is my main priority. Hopefully this experience hasn’t changed her too much.

I stared out the window as we pulled out of the garage. He turned down Main Street, heading straight for the bridge. Ceciellia is giving directions, while clutching the photo with the address written on it. Everyone is quiet. Only the sound of music plays in my ears. After passing the bridge, my eyes felt heavy, so I closed them.

I began to think of Anna, and what she’d been doing this whole time. Based on the pictures, I don’t believe it’s anything pleasant. They turned my innocent human friend into one of their kind. I will make them pay for everything they’ve done to her.

Throughout the journey, the car drove smoothly and I felt myself falling asleep. I was literally falling. Surrounded by nothing in the dark abyss. Until I hit the floor at the bottom. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain. Only it didn’t hurt.

I opened my eyes, and the light suddenly turned on. That’s when I realized I was upside down. Or maybe it was the room that was upside down.
She was there, but she was different. She’s on the other side.

Standing in front of a dresser with a fancy mirror attached. The dress she wears reminds me of the style that was worn during the Victorian era. There was something else that was off about her. She looked slightly different physically. What have they done to her?

I tried to speak to her, but she didn’t acknowledge me. She stood there, frozen in time. It’s almost symbolic.
After many failed attempts to get her attention, I decided to just say what I wanted her to hear.

Hang in there Anna, we’re coming for you. Don’t lose hope. I will save you, even if it means giving them what they want. Me…

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