Dear Friend

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(Alice's POV)

It didn't take us long to get to the vampires' hideout. Ceciellia talked about being there before, back when she was The Slayer. She was hunting a nest of vampires, but they had fled before she arrived. Hopefully, this time will be different. I could feel my heart beating like a drum as we grew closer to the front gate.

Tate parked slightly further down the long narrow road that led to the gates of the mansion-like house. After exiting the car, we walked towards the trunk of the car which was filled with weapons and other useful items. Ceciellia unlocked it with her special set of keys before Tate opened it. I was about to grab Tate's sword for him, but he roughly grabbed it from my hand. I flashed him a glare.

"I got it. Just worry about your own weapons," he said.

I looked away while shaking my head, before walking away from the car.

"I don't want or need any of your damn weapons!" I said to him.

I stormed off as the burning sensation itched at the back of my throat, like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode the brains of all these vampires and anyone who stood in my way. He quickly rushed after me and grabbed my arm. I looked back at him, and he loosened his grip on my arm.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked me.

"I already told you. I only needed you to take me here. I can do this on my own," I said to him.

"We stick together. This was mostly my fault. Let me help you," He said before letting go of my arm. "I don't want you to be hurt or killed. What do I have to do for you to realize that I actually care about you, Alice?"

My heart dropped, causing my stomach to tie in knots. I looked away, unable to look him in the eyes. Though deep down I knew that anyone close to me was at risk. I needed to do this alone, so no more would suffer because of me, regardless if I liked it or not.

"This is for the best. You need to stay as far away from me as possible," I said to him while staring at the gates. "Just go away, and never look back."

"Alice, I-" He said before I cut him off.

"Now!" My voice bellowed inside his head.

I looked over my shoulder and watched as he turned around and began to walk away. Ceciellia was leaning against the car, waiting for his return. A part of me couldn't believe he actually walked away. Another part of me wished he would chase after me. Deep down I knew it was the only way. It had to be done.

I cried silently, as I slowly made my way toward the gate. After walking away, I hoped he would grab me again, but it never came. I cried even harder, as I began to run towards the entrance of the mansion. Out of nowhere, I was tackled. I was almost halfway to the front door, and out of Tate's sight.

I knew it couldn't be Tate. It was one of those damn bloodsuckers. I tried to fight him off with just punching and kicking, but he was on top of me.

"I'm guessing you're Alice," He said as he finally pinned me down.

I glared at him while studying his body language.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. You can't talk, only scream," he said with a smirk. "I like girls who scream."

Since they already wanted me because I'm a banshee, I refused to talk. I wasn't about to let them know what I'm capable of. I needed to play my cards right. So, I spit in his face instead. He wiped it off before he backhanded me across the face. I spit blood out of my mouth. He had busted my bottom lip.

"I see that you're a feisty one. I wouldn't mind making you scream," he said as he leaned down.

At that moment, I felt paralyzed by fear. I was unable to move, as he attempted to bite my neck. I flinched as something or someone pushed the vampire off of me.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now