The Kiss

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(Anna's POV)

I couldn't believe the words I had just heard. Maybe none of this was real. What if I had been asleep the whole time? Only it feels so real to be anything but reality. I knew Alice was different, but I never expected there to be others. These creatures shouldn't even exist. They're supposed to be made up for people's amusement on a screen or in the pages of a book.

"Anna, I understand if this is too much for you to handle." He says caringly.

"That doesn't even begin to explain how I feel right now," I say angrily.

"You're angry with me," he said blatantly.

"Of course, I'm angry. I've had my entire life flipped upside down. You've taken me away from my home, my friend. Everything I knew about life was suddenly a lie. I'm being held as a prisoner by you and your clan of vampires, who use me as a drink dispenser. All while you drop a bomb, stating I'm your mate for life," I ranted.

"Stop saying I'm keeping you here as a prisoner. I would never do that to you," Alex said before standing up. "I'm not the one in charge, my brother is. He made sure of it."

"So, he gave you orders to take me?" I asked.

"I wasn't even supposed to be there. My friend Damon is one of the guards, and he let me tag along. You see, I'm still a prisoner here," Alex said before turning around to face me.

I couldn't tell if he was being truthful. Had he really been a prisoner for the past 100 years? I continued to question him, waiting for him to slip up.

"If he wanted Alice, why take me?" I asked.

"The last two guards he sent, only one came back. He gave a description, and you fit the bill. After telling my brother what had happened, he was sent to the dungeon, and forced to undergo retraining," Alex said with a sigh.

I remember the night he was talking about. The first time Alice's appearance changed, she had let the banshee out. I never realized how much she resembled me in her other form, until Alex mentioned it. It explained so much as to why they always targeted me. If they were willing to kill their own kind, I could only imagine what was in store for Alice and I.

"What will he do to us?" I asked.

"I would never let him hurt you. We could leave this place together." Alex said.

"Because that worked so well for you the first time," I said with my eyebrow raised.

I instantly regretted saying that to him. His facial expression changed from caring to upset within a matter of seconds.

"That was different. My father is dead, and my brother is so focused on this project he's been working on," Alex insisted.

"That doesn't make it safe," I said while crossing my arms.

"It does if we're better prepared," he said with a smirk.

I didn't like the way he smiled at me. It's almost menacing. It certainly wouldn't end well, whatever he was thinking.

"What does that mean?" I asked curiously.

"That I'm willing to do whatever I have to, even if it means you flee from here first, and I meet you on the other side when the time is right," he says as he sits by my side.

"Would you have to turn me?" I asked in hopes that I was wrong.

"I would like to. It's the only way we can be together forever, Anna," he said as he touched my face.

"I don't want to be like you," I said before pushing him away.

I stand up and run straight towards the door. Alex grabbed me by the arm before I could reach the doorknob. I screamed and begged him to let me go.

"Let go, you're hurting me. I just want to go home," I said angrily.

He then slammed me against the wall, forcing my hands above my head. His breath felt so hot against my skin. Our eyes met, and I could see them begin to change again. They now have tiny slivers of blue.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, but I can't let you go home. I need you. Please don't leave me, Anna," he said before roughly kissing me on the lips.

I tried to pull away, but eventually gave in to the kiss. He dropped my hands before pulling me closer. After wrapping his arms around my waist, he pressed his body tightly against mine. I slowly raised my hands to the curve of his neck. It felt so wrong, yet also right at the same time.

I never really had a first kiss until now. I liked the feeling it gave me. Although I knew I shouldn't. He isn't even human. He is a vampire. He kidnapped me. Why do I like this? What is wrong with me? I thought to myself, as I ran my fingers through his hair. He pressed my body against the wall after lifting me up. My automatic reaction was to wrap my legs around him. It felt like I was no longer in control of my own body, as if he had put me in a trance.

I then decided to let his tongue pass through my teeth. Our tongues danced like flames flickering in the wind. We were getting so into the kiss when he lost control. It caused his fangs to shoot out and pierce my bottom lip. I let out a whimper and he let me down. While still pressed against the wall, I touched my bleeding lip. He laid his hand on the wall and leaned in close to me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself," He said while closing his eyes. "I want you so badly, but I can't because I'm afraid I'll keep hurting you."

I was breathing heavily as my heart pounded in my chest. I'm unsure if it was fear or excitement, maybe it was both. I would have said something if my mouth wasn't full of blood.

I attempted to swallow, but the taste was bitter. It trickled down my bottom lip and onto my chin. With his right hand, he wiped the blood off with his finger, before licking it. With his right hand, he wiped the blood off with his finger, before licking it.

"Sorry, your blood tastes really sweet," he said nervously.

I looked away from him, not knowing how to respond. Overwhelmed by everything I was feeling, I failed to find the words to say. After a few moments of silence, he finally said something.

"You make the cutest faces when you're thinking," He said with a half-smile.

I blushed as I looked down at the floor. I had almost forgotten that I wasn't wearing a shirt. He chuckled as I tried to cover my stomach and chest.

"Here, you can take my shirt," he said before standing up straight.

He begins to remove his shirt one button at a time. I look away, occasionally looking back at him. He was as muscular as I had imagined. When he noticed me staring, he smiled to himself.

"Thank you," I said as I quickly put the shirt on.

After I finished buttoning the shirt, I looked up at him. He was already looking at me. I felt myself drawn to him. Just as we were about to kiss again, his phone rang.

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