His Dead Lover

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(Anna’s POV)

It was quiet, too quiet. All I could do was sit with my head lying on Alex’s chest while I silently cried. I felt drained, angry, and lost. Alice is now their prisoner, and it’s all my fault. I stared off into space, taking in all the emotions and senses I was developing.

Suddenly, I began to feel weird. Something was off. It had to be Alice. I could sense her. Just as that happened, out of the corner of my eye I could see Tate looking around. Maybe he could feel it too.

I didn’t look up at him, because I couldn’t handle seeing his face. Not after what had just happened. We were both hurt by this. All was quiet, until Ceciellia finally broke the silence.

“Where are you wanting me to take the two of you, Anna?” She asked me.

I looked up at Alex, who seemed to be asleep.

“You can take us to my house for the night,” I said. “I live right next to A-.”

I couldn’t say her name, it just got caught in my throat. I started gagging and coughing. I motioned for Ceciellia to pull over. Alex jolted his eyes open, and held me in his arms.

“Are you alright?” He asked me while looking into my eyes.

I shook my head before opening the car door. After bending over, a thick dark red liquid poured out of my mouth. I was throwing up blood.

“Something is wrong. Alex? What is wrong with me?” I asked as my hands shook.

I could feel his gentle hand on my back.

“You need to drink blood,” he said.

I can’t. Not here. Not now.

“Can’t it wait a little longer?” I asked.

He was hesitant at first, but then nodded.

“Yes, but we have to get you back home first,” Alex said as I stood straight. “Then I will allow you to drink from me.”

He used his finger to wipe blood off my lips. I nodded my head, before taking my seat back inside the car.

“Are you alright?” she asked me.

I looked her in the eyes, while nodding my head. With that being said, she continued to drive.

“I need you to tell me directions,” Ceciellia said as we crossed the bridge that entered our small town.

“I live on Sycamore Road. My house is the only baby blue house on the block,” I explained. “The number on the house is 665.”

She nodded and kept driving. I closed my eyes for what seemed like only a few seconds. The car came to a slow stop. Alex opened the car door for me. I tried to get out, but fell to the ground instead. I felt so weak. Alex picked me up and carried me around to the other side of the car.

“Thank you,” Alex said to her.

I looked at her and offered a friendly smile.

“I’m sorry you lost your friend. I hope you find her,” Ceciellia said to me.

“Thank you,” I mouthed the words to her, unable to speak.

She nodded and waved before taking off. I let my body fall limp in his arms. He held me close as he carried me inside the house. My eyes flickered open and shut. Everything became a blur.

“Alex?” I asked in a faint hushed voice.

He hushed me by putting his fingers on my lips. His fingers were like ice.

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