The Truth

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(Tate’s POV)

I tried to keep Alice from killing the vampire, who was turning red, due to Alice choking her. I gently squeezed her shoulder with my hand.

“Alice, she might have answers. You have to let her go,” I said.

She looked up at me and glared. Deep inside she knew I was right. So, she gave in and listened to what I had said.

“Fine,” Alice said as she let go of her neck.

“Talk! Tell us what you know. Start with who and what you are,” I demanded.
The girl chuckled, as she made eye contact with me.

“I’m the first hybrid of my kind. My mother is a vampire and my father was a warlock,” she said as her eyes darted at my grandmother.

“Hey, look at me! Now tell me, why does the King of Vampires want Alice?” I asked.

“They want her because of what she is. She is obviously very powerful. We have been tracking her down since she was a baby. Waiting for the right moment to take her. Our first attempt failed, she killed one of our men and badly wounded the other one,” She began to explain as her gaze shifted towards Alice, “Do you remember that night, Alice? They tried to take Anna, and you killed him to save her. It was the first time that you had ever changed.”

“Enough of the reminiscing, and get to the point!” I said firmly to Sophia.

She glared at me and scrunched up her nose, before returning her attention to Alice.

“We’ve thought about attempting to grab Alice many times, but she was never alone, or always out in public. That was until yesterday, when you all decided to walk through the woods. As fate would have it Prince Charming came to save the day. How’s that working out for you buddy?” She asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Quit stalling! Just tell us what we need to know, “ I said with a snarl.

Sophia rolled her eyes before continuing.

“Anyways, there was another mix-up. Alex took Anna instead of you. They always tried to take Anna. These idiots can’t seem to tell you two apart. It ended up working in our favor anyway, because her being here is what brought you to us. Kane will certainly be happy to meet you,” Sophia said.

I looked at Alice, who looked down at the floor. She was disappointed.

“They won,” Alice said as she shook her head. “They took Anna from me, and made her into the very thing I killed. I failed her. I might as well just give myself up.”

I grabbed her arms, forcing her to face me. She stared deeply into my eyes. I could tell she felt defeated by the way she looked at me.

“No, don’t think like that Alice. We are doing what we came here to do,” I said.

“Don’t you see, Tate? This will never end. I will never be human, and they won’t stop hunting me down. We don’t stand a chance when it comes to being together,” she says with a sad look in her eyes. “Anna is the only thing that I have. If I can’t have her in my life, then I might as well give my life away to them.”

“Don’t say that, you don’t know what will happen. We can still save her, and kill the last of these vampires. You won’t have to worry about losing Anna or spending the rest of your life as their captive,” I said as I tried to touch her face.

Alice pulled away, and turned her attention back to Sophia. She rolled her eyes before making a gag sound.

“What else do you know?” I asked.

“Would he let Anna go if we captured Alice?” She asks. “Capturing Alice isn’t an option. We will do whatever it takes. As for Anna leaving, I’m not sure.”

“Who said you all would stop us?” I asked Sophia.

“Alex has already had some fun with her. I don’t think he will let her go,” Sophia answered while trying to remove the rope tied around her wrist.
Alice slapped her, making her sit still. She looked back at Alice with a grin on her face.

“I didn’t say you could move.” Alice says allowing us all to hear what she said.

Sophia chuckled to herself. Her bangs fell into her face.

“There’s still one question you didn’t answer. How are you related to us?” My grandmother asked as I lifted her head up.

“I’m related through my dad’s side of course,” she said as she made brief eye contact with me before looking over at my gram.

I looked at my grandmother, who looked just as confused.

“Quit speaking in riddles! What are you not telling us?” I asked.

“Well, my father’s name is Marcus. He was a warlock and my mother was a vampire. About 30 years ago my father was killed,” she began to explain. “My father was killed in a battle against Kane and Alex’s father, Lucian, the king of vampires. After watching my father die, my mother killed Lucian. I watched as my mother fled from the clan’s hideout, leaving me behind.”

A single tear trickled down her cheek. She shrugged it off, and tried to cover her sadness with laughter. Then she explained how Kane became king soon after his father, Lucian, died.

“In order for him to become king, he needed a queen. I was the lucky one to have been chosen by Kane to rule by his side,” Sophia explained.

She was interrupted by the old grandfather clock next to the fireplace. It was now midnight. We had been here for two hours. Once the bell quit chiming, she continued to explain.

“Though Lucian was much more strict with Kane, and pushed him to be a perfectionist and narcissist,” Sophia said as she rolled her eyes. “On the bright side, ever since Kane’s father died, he has been searching for a way to make us more powerful. Which is why he is after Alice,” Sophia explained.

I looked at Alice, then at my grandmother. She had tears streaming down her face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I hugged my grandmother. “Why are you crying?”

“Marcus was the name of your grandfather,” she said before fainting.

Only she didn’t faint, but instead was having a vision. Alice rushed over to my grandmother’s side, and held her as her body kept twitching. I stayed where I was, not wanting to take my eyes off Sophia. I don’t trust her.

A few minutes passed, before she finally opened her eyes and gasped for air. She just sat there, stunned by whatever it was that she had seen. I can see the sorrow in her eyes, when she finally looked up at me. In that moment, I knew what the vampire had said was the truth.

After all this time, my grandmother now knows what really happened to my grandfather. Clearly, it was nothing like she had imagined. I wondered what it was that she saw. I’m sure I will eventually hear about it when she is ready to talk.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now