A Dirty Job

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"I need you to kill someone for me," the gray demon announced.

"Okay then I'm gonna need a description, an approximate location of where they live, their name, and a photo if you got one." Blitzø said.

The demon handed over a few pieces of information and even a picture of the target, "Here."

Blitzø skimmed the pages then passed them onto Moxxie who then gave them to Mille and she handed them over to you. Name: Ria Eleanor, Age: 23, Gender: Female, Race: Asian, Hair Color: Black, Eye Color: Brown, one of the pages read, you then flipped to the next page which showed an asian girl who help up two fingers in a peace sign, she had long straight, jet black hair with a bright red hair clip on the side of her head, she wore an enthusiastic grin, and a black sweater. You flipped to the next page and it showed an address of where she lived.

"So what's your name and what's your reason for hiring us to kill her?" Blitzø asked curiously.

"I'm Elijah Wright, and she is the reason I'm dead," Elijah responded.

"Interesting," Blitzø said.

"Well then I'll get the weaponry prepared," Moxxie said as he walked off.

"I'm gonna just join him," Millie went after Moxxie.

"Okay Elijah since you have most of the information you won't have to pay as much, only...," he pauses, "15,000."

Elijah pats his pant's pocket before pulling out a wallet. He opens the wallet and pulls out a stack of cash which he hands over to Blizø. "That good?"

Blitzø counted the money, "14,700, 14,800, 14,900, and 15,000. Yep."

"I'll be going then," Elijah waved as he walked out of the office.

You grabbed the computer you worked with earlier, "I'll find her location."

"But we've already got it."

"What if she's not at home?"

"We'll wait."

"I can just track her phone."

Blitzø paused and looked at you, "really?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's not that hard, he gave us enough information for me to be able to hack into her location."

"Okay get to work then."

You opened the computer and started vigorously typing, after a few minutes you got her location.

"I got the girl's location!" You hollered.

Moxxie entered the room you were in, while dragging a large black bag. Millie entered soon after, carrying several daggers.

"Okay then let's kill this bitch," Blitzø declared.

"Loonie, would you get the portal ready?" Blitzø gushed while batting his eyes.

"Ugh," Loona groaned and rolled her eyes.

She grabbed a large, navy blue book with gold outlines, a gold crescent moon, upside down gold crosses, and an odd symbol that was outlined with gold. Loona opened the book and skimmed through the pages until she found the right one, then a portal appeared. The portal looked like a galaxy but not like the ones you'd seen, it was more majestic and peaceful somehow.

"Time to get to work!" Blitzø exclaimed.

The imps disappeared through the portal, you took a second but then you passed through it as well. You stepped into an alleyway, you wanted to explore but you knew you had a job to do so you opened the computer. You pulled up the girls location and it didn't seem too far from where you guys were.

"She's northeast of where we are and about 6 miles away," you explained.

The imps took off and left you in the alley. The dark area was littered with garbage and smelled like it too. With the imps gone you were left alone and unfortunately you were extremely bored, but you knew you couldn't go into the streets looking like a demon.


The computer went off, How far away are we? The message read.

You typed, maybe 30 seconds, she's to your right.

"Ugh..." you groaned out of boredom.

You looked at the computer and Blitzø's phone was coming towards your direction.

Finally, you thought to yourself.


"We're back!" Blitzø boomed.

"Took you people long enough," you responded.

"Hey I'll have you know that was pretty quick for us."

"Mhm, let's just go back," you said.

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't try run away and stay here," Moxxie spoke up.

You looked at him, "What would be the point when I look like this?" You spread your arms out for emphasis.


The portal opened behind you, "Let's go," Millie said while walking through the portal.

Moxxie followed close behind, then Blitzø joined them. You started towards the portal as well, but you stopped yourself and turned, you took in the awful smell of garbage and the trash littered scene. You sighed as you turned back around and went through the portal back into the office. You found the imps packing up their weapons and Loona still sat at the desk staring at her phone with an uninterested gaze. You placed the computer on a table and sat on the cushioned chair across it.

Blitzø walked up towards you, "here." He handed you a small stack of cash.

"I thought I was repaying Millie for helping me," you said slyly as you reached for the stack.

The imp pulled his hand back before you could grab the money, "This is just so you can find a place to live, next pay you'll only be getting half of what Millie and Moxxie get."

Blitzø extended his arm out again and you swiftly took the cash before he changed his mind. You began to flip through the bills and you counted 1,600 in (whatever currency they use in hell).

Guess I'd better look for someplace to sleep, you thought.

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